Scratcher Joined 1 year, 5 months ago Germany
About me
@dominiccdd und @Kantis007 sind Freunde von mir und @raphael_w ist mein großer Bruder. Ich spiele lieber Spiele als welche zu machen, deshalb habe ich auch so viele Lieblingsprojekte.
What I'm working on
Ich arbeite an nichts besonderem.
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (32)
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Dieses Projekt ist Cool by Constantin_W
Kugelblitz by Constantin_W
sign if you like Wings of Fire the 11th remix by Constantin_W
Mein erster 3D-Plattformer by Constantin_W
Constantin_Ws dritter Plattformer by Constantin_W
pizza eiscreme by Constantin_W
Mario-Scrolling-Plattformer by Constantin_W
Scrolling-Plattformer Creator by Constantin_W
Heipîttucko-1 by Constantin_W
Musik by Constantin_W
aäaäaäaäaäaäaäaäaäaäaäaäaäaäaäaäaäaäaäaäaä by Constantin_W
Constantin_Ws zweiter Plattformer by Constantin_W
Mein erster Scrolling-Plattformer remix by Constantin_W
Constantin_Ws erster Plattformer by Constantin_W
Untitled by Constantin_W
Der rote Kater 1 - KI-Tutorial by Constantin_W
wer ich? by Constantin_W
Ich? by Constantin_W
Kreisch by Constantin_W
Halloween - Gruselfaktor: Mega by Constantin_W
Favorite Projects
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Der rote Kater: Spiel 2 - Geisterwiederholung-Scrolling-Plattformer by raphael_w
Wasser, Feuer und Glibber - ein Scrolling-Plattformer by raphael_w
Wüste - ein Scrolling-Plattformer by raphael_w
Plattformer Mehrspieler by raphael_w
UNIVERSE Size Comparison by AstroLemonoid
Fusion (FINALE) | A Platform | #games by DavideProgrammer
Arctic 2 | A Platform | #Games by DavideProgrammer
Arctic | A Platform | #Games by DavideProgrammer
Infernal 6 | A Platform | #Games by DavideProgrammer
Infernal 5 | A Platform | #Games by DavideProgrammer
Infernal 4 | A Platform | #Games by DavideProgrammer
Infernal 3 | A Platform | #Games by DavideProgrammer
Infernal 2 | A Platform | #Games by DavideProgrammer
Infernal | A Platform | #Games by DavideProgrammer
Mein erster Scrolling-Plattformer by raphael_w
Monster Miners by alphabetica
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