Scratcher Joined 15 years, 6 months ago United States
About me
Once upon a time a kid wanted to learn programming. He made some lame stuff, then some cool stuff that people liked and named servers after. Then he disappeared, and people still wonder where I am. :3
What I'm working on
Finishing high school with flying colors so I can make cool video games. I have to thank Scratch for helping me with an understanding of computers and basic algebra. But now I am gone. :) Stay smart!
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (100+)
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Introducing me!! by Cozyhut3
Untitled-6 by Cozyhut3
Technical Difficulties, Please Stand By! by Cozyhut3
More Art Assets by Cozyhut3
[SPOILERS!]Art Assets by Cozyhut3
[SPOILERS!]Art Assets by Cozyhut3
Moving Crates by Cozyhut3
You Guys Deserve an Update by Cozyhut3
And the winner is... by Cozyhut3
The Voting Begins Now! by Cozyhut3
Scratchers, I Call Upon Thy Input! by Cozyhut3
Gizmos 3 Boss Music? by Cozyhut3
Gizmos 3: Still in Beta! by Cozyhut3
Gizmos 3: The Beta! by Cozyhut3
That Idiot of a Game Developer that is Me by Cozyhut3
Gizmos 3 -X-BETA-X- by Cozyhut3
Meh. by Cozyhut3
I think I might throw up. by Cozyhut3
Lesson learned! UFOs are better than zilch. by Cozyhut3
You'll watch this update. Because SnapSnap. by Cozyhut3
Favorite Projects
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Perspective Pen by Wes64test
Arrow Boy Ep.01 by fulldroid
Grade Eight Memories! by Palindromee
My Pet Kraken! by Hotwire
jonzo art request by yakman
Contest Time entry by yakman
When I'm Lego by PerspectiveDesigns
funny movie and game pictures by blackhole123
The Human Skateboard Fail!! by messwright
SUPER MEAT BOY! by Hotwire
Planarians by AwesomeStudios
Crazed Cat S2 E6 To Drain Your Brain by sheiller
Crazed Cat S2 E7 Explosion Boycott by sheiller
Stupid Math: The Game by jonzo_test
3D bouncy ball by boisvert
Toast, Explosions and Spagetti by sheiller
Scratchcraft Classic 1.0 (BY RHY, NOT ME) by integrated
All about Coelacanths by dinosam7
April Fools Day by Raki-Tak
Studios I'm Following
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