Scratcher Joined 4 years ago United States
About me
save the tucan
pico cube
Bandlab: ~Serene-Yuki~
Soundtrap: Greyson moreland
also credit to @Tylemobile
for my (old) pfp
also i do f4f
Gender: Male/Boy
What I'm working on
my new class-]+online+[-
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (72)
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FBI OPEN UP but i saved all your eardrums by Furcorn2
Yello remix by Furcorn2
My undertale ships (but mobile) by Furcorn2
ask the pipe elemental awesometrons some questions remix by Furcorn2
Why did i make this so cute by Furcorn2
e by Furcorn2
le rare <3 by Furcorn2
sussy by Furcorn2
duet lel by Furcorn2
Rare Byvother - Biothereal Backwoods by Furcorn2
Mine by Furcorn2
color change lel by Furcorn2
redesign and sound by Furcorn2
when the rare is sus! by Furcorn2
Motiorbs - In My Style by Furcorn2
B-day cake for snek by Furcorn2
Corrupted luminod anim by Furcorn2
i powerpuffed myself lel by Furcorn2
Pixelated pico by Furcorn2
Favorite Projects
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Aphmau Music playlist 1 by HuskieKid
{music} The woomy song RECORDED #music #fun #woomy by cheese_sausage
Week 7 Simulator (Update) by rayyaka
Villain || Original Code Meme by OmbraTheFurry2
Face reveal :> by coolfam13
Western Whereabouts - Quadruple Elemental by chefrhino11
Ancient Archways - Green Fishy Boi Animated. by chefrhino11
- =. BRUGH .= - by lifehaxmax88
[[ Sarvente ]] by yowell101
lemme hop out the by howlfreeplease
Mortal Sanctuary Bass (Animated) by CoolguyMSM
critter consep for @Lenad by MisterSnail
she come in by MetroidFan15
Material Warehouse - Full Song by chefrhino11
Undertale Personality Quiz by Personalities
Undertale fanart (again!) by DeweyTheStuffie
he goes crazy by chefrhino11
Fosikaitain HIGH QUALITY ISH anim by MSMboy647
Ancient Archways Luminod Animated (ALL TRACKS) by CoolguyMSM
Cg5 - Man on Stilts [Foreverplayed] by CoolDankey
Studios I'm Following
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"Dream DON'T!" [Rp U-U]
Night core songs
The Mysteriots studio (new)
I can’t think of a good name- [rp time!!!]
unpopular scratchers
Undertale RP >0{}0<
undertale rp
perfectly normal daittopia shorts
Rasguno Archive
All of peoples rare biothereals (including mine)
Tugtrop rp
Bluey fan club
lonrad haters!!!
MSM Fan Studio
The Daittopia Chronicles
Studios I Curate
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I'm probably leaving
Wise_wolf123 studio
[Rp cuz I'm bored once more-]
Frondley Army
. . . (Rp!)
"Dream DON'T!" [Rp U-U]
Purrrrrrrr-fect PFP contest! (Read Description)
Make my ocs ___. ((Blush, ticked, ect.))
Msm the lost landscape fan studio /msm tll
300+ Q&A!!!!!!!
Church of Barrer
Psychotic 14 year old- (rp, I'm boredeth -_-)
scratch bts
Oh noes-
**Talk to me here**
Weekly Raffle
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