Student of: Williams (ended) Scratcher Joined 2 years, 11 months ago United States
About me
What I'm working on
I am working on to be I good artist on scratch or anything god wants me to be!
What I've been doing
Favorite Projects
View all- Kooly's World | Mystic Island | #Games #All #Trending by madrid2030
- i believe i can fly by Brother-Sister711
- Sandwich Maker!!!! by nv310059
- DrawMusic! by Dr_Lego
- Which dinosaur are you? by Jurassic_World123
- (Personality quiz!) Which type of magic would YOU have? by JacoderX
- C A R D S by -Wishwash-
- R A I N by -Wishwash-
- J O B'S by -Wishwash-
- candy by -Wishwash-
- Honest Opinions... || #Animations #Stories #All by Duo17
- Why does Duo wear a scarf? || #All #Animations #Stories by Duo17
- V A C U U M C L E A N E R S by -Wishwash-
- ✝ Sign your name if you love Jesus ✝ remix remix remix remix remix remix remix by japhiya06jeyanth
- Camilo or Dolores? remixXXXXXX by Dolores_---_Madrigal
- Sign if you want an Encanto 2! remix remix by That_simp_on_Camilo
- Ping Pong on Scratch-- Donut Version by theawesomeone557
- I am remix by Adira77
- Turning Red Memes by That_simp_on_Camilo
- Name by GESW15
Studios I'm Following
View all- Which__________ are you?
- gwdfi or something idk
- Autism Acceptance Studio!!! ❤️
- The Wonderful World of Poetry
- Spreading Kindness
- scratchers of faith ( revived )
- † Believers of Christ †
- Add All Of Your Christian Projects (invite all of your friends)
- I <3 Jesus
- Important Message! Urgent!!!!!
- Official BeluGang! (Ads & F4F!)
- the jesus christ studio
- !The christian Youth society!
- The Scratch Beach
- #TeamSeas
- -Encanto Family Roundup!-
- Official BeluGang advertising studio ✅
- ✧The Slime Studio✧
- The Plushy Studio
- Protect Our Sea Turtles!
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