Scratcher Joined 2 years, 2 months ago China
About me
Hello I'm an alt of @OrangeYellowIsGood
which is pretty useless...
I post things about how bad is the St bot only lol
What I'm working on
Im not China im Malaysia but race Chinese
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (100+)
View all- For @GreatestTieEverWorn about the CBU Olympics by ImNotOY
- My frustrated things on CBU... by ImNotOY
- SBOC 69A: [Germany WW2 Leader] by ImNotOY
- exams results lol by ImNotOY
- OrangeYellow has the most bullied nation by ImNotOY
- 1st OY Election Anouncement by ImNotOY
- new OY fandom page by ImNotOY
- coming back early july by ImNotOY
- OY military power (after war) by ImNotOY
- much better by ImNotOY
- NEWS-Vince Koh surrenders by ImNotOY
- Day 1 4th OY-ST, CB War summary map by ImNotOY
- OY military power (Late April) by ImNotOY
- Wow nice strategy scratch team by ImNotOY
- SBOC 3B parody: L bozo, your energies wasted by ImNotOY
- Parady SBOC 3A: No Suffer by ImNotOY
- The best moment by ImNotOY
- pop the bolonnnnnnnn but better by ImNotOY
- Grade 5 Rewind (not all) by ImNotOY
- OrangeYellow LRT stations by ImNotOY
Favorite Projects
View all- Sixth Republic of OrangeYellow by dinoderpmc
- Matematix's Alphabet Lore Band [REVAMPED!] by MatematixScratch
- This user hates Scratch Team auto moderation by ImNotOY
- Countryballsmovie 1 by The_Bad_Randoms
- Perplexed Phonemes: Mandarin't by MatematixScratch
- [Shadow's 9th RP] The World in Shambles by ShadowWolfyMoony9118
- VOTE! by Luv2022
- This user is Chinese. by cs4596985
- Personality Quiz Engine (Just Remix and Create!) by sfellenag
- alphabet lore animation real??? by MatematixScratch
- This user is a preteen. by ClassicPen23
- Do you hate roblox? by kuwait_scratch
- band of everyone's most hated characters by MatematixScratch
- (WIP) Brawl Ball Simulator v1.4 by BrawlBallDev
- Brawl Ball Simulator v1.3 by OrangeYellowIsGood
- Brawl Ball Simulator v1.2 (Outdated) by OrangeYellowIsGood
- Brawl Ball Simulator v1.0 (Outdated) by OrangeYellowIsGood
- The_Bad_Randoms Animated Pins! by The_Bad_Randoms
- NationStates RP - Radominia Region by NorciArts
- This user likes chicken nuggets by peechan_2020
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