Scratcher Joined 17 years ago United States
About me
What I'm working on
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (20)
View all- A funny stick figure animaton 3 by Jad3
- A funny stick figure animation2: A Horse's revenge by Jad3
- a funny stick figure animation by Jad3
- The stupidest project on scratch by Jad3
- ssbb Toon Link vs. Sonic2 by Jad3
- 2 Pong Mario style by Jad3
- Crazy Color Cat by Jad3
- ssbb Toon Link vs. Sonic by Jad3
- fun with palendromes by Jad3
- evil mario by Jad3
- dance off by Jad3
- heads or tails by Jad3
- movable monkey by Jad3
- food-chain by Jad3
- spinner by Jad3
- kill the cat by Jad3
- bush interview by Jad3
- stupid by Jad3
- let's dance by Jad3
- bomb movie by Jad3
Favorite Projects
View all- Beatles- Nowhere Man by gorgon
- Block Buster by bigB
- 2 Player Quidditch by bigB
- Guitar Hero by siddthesquid
- Mario Pong by Dearborn
- Halo: Attack of The Video Games by Wodunne
- Cube World Adventure by Tanner-FBI
- Cube World 2 by Tanner-FBI
- Jak the escaped convict Part 2 by nickybagz
- Cube World by Tanner-FBI
- Jak the escaped convict by nickybagz
- Doodle by Graham
- MARIO FUN! by arby
- Animation by Crazydylan
- Droid Army 1.7 by Axeblade
- Legends: The Secret of Destiny by Juzzyboy
- Archknight's Adventure-2 Archmage Returns by Juzzyboy
- Pokemon Tournament by Kresinho
- Harry Potter Chamber Of Secrets Spoof by terpB
- the legend of zelda Demo by rajado
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