Scratcher Joined 2 years, 9 months ago Sweden
About me
hi. it,s been so fun and great to be here. i dont wanna be a coder anymore. i,m gonna instead be a pro gamer.
What I'm working on
try to be invite on featured sdudios on the summer i not able in scratch. back from my summer!
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (13)
View all- Untitled by Lejon-Leo
- roblox dodge #games #art by Lejon-Leo
- dunk mobile friendly by Lejon-Leo
- basketball clicker by Lejon-Leo
- game contest by Lejon-Leo
- scratch cat open town by Lejon-Leo
- catch score game by Lejon-Leo
- camet platformer by Lejon-Leo
- addopt a chick by Lejon-Leo
- Hoos the best nintendo? by Lejon-Leo
- Basketball multiplayer by Lejon-Leo
- Duck Hunt mobile game by Lejon-Leo
- camet vs toadstool by Lejon-Leo
Favorite Projects
Lejon-Leo hasn't favorited any projects
Studios I'm Following
View allStudios I Curate
- Making a game with your ideas!
- NEW GAME OUT!!! Geo Clicks
- NEW GAME OUT!!! Sky Force
- NEW PROJECT!! Sky Force Countdown
- Astro Evade
- RisingArrow's friends and followers
- The 2023 Scratch Awards Ceremony
- [FINAL PART] Eminent 3: The Climb (Medieval Studio)
- EMINENT 2 IS OUT! Eminent - The Platformer Studio
- The Popular Studio
- [GIVEAWAY] + New game :o
- [FREE SHOUTOUTS™] Charpy's Empire (official fanclub)
- Flood (My band)
- The Scratch Fall Studio
- @ismartfox Fan club!
- Team Sweden
- Lejon-Leo Fan club
- Nature Studio
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