Scratcher Joined 10 years, 1 month ago United States
About me
I am 10 years old. Honestly, I LOVE scratch and think it is EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!! You can go to MRESEagles and play games. Me and my BFF made the game Big Backyard. I am a girl. And duh I love Mickey!
What I'm working on
Stuff like contests for drawing and coloring.
I LOVE the hunger games!!! also Mickey!!!
Lots of remixes.
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (24)
View all- Sign Your Username If You Believe In Jesus remix rem remix by Mickeygirl116
- Art inspirations by Mickeygirl116
- What I look like... by Mickeygirl116
- Why I love Mickey so much... by Mickeygirl116
- FOR Mabel Sweater Contest OPEN by Mickeygirl116
- Why I am feeling sad. :'( by Mickeygirl116
- Running girl for CC by Mickeygirl116
- Lights! by Mickeygirl116
- Catch that Heart! by Mickeygirl116
- Once upon a dinner... by Mickeygirl116
- The Many Adventures Of Taylor Swift by Mickeygirl116
- THE SCRATCH APP remix remix remix remix remix remix remix remix remix remix remix remix by Mickeygirl116
- Catch that snowflake by Mickeygirl116
- Coloring Contest! remix for contest by Mickeygirl116
- Cat Lick Icon Maker! remix by Mickeygirl116
- remix for contest by Mickeygirl116
- remix Flower Power pony by Mickeygirl116
- remix for contest by Mickeygirl116
- 3D cube remix by Mickeygirl116
- Scratch Logo remix :D awesome!!!!!!!!!! by Mickeygirl116
Favorite Projects
View all- Your Art is Amazing! by mayukia
- Big Hero 6 Animation! by Harshdragonfly9
- ~WAVES~ by Danielrocks2000
- Marshall (a platform game) by WithOnions
- A V O I D by ThunderOS
- A V O I D by chris97224
- Me singing! <3 by Autumn_13
- What Warrior Clan Would You Be In? by Specklepelt
- Let her go ukulele cover by lauraisawsome
- Minecraft music " Don't mine at night " by kts2013
- 15 Places to Sing a Disney Song by Pickle-Productions
- Speaking Time by JayMrGogo
- Frozen Dress Up! by Alex1228
- The most annoying thing ever. by mememe1234
- The Impossible Game by shadowspear1
- Frozen Dress Up by ArtySpartyGirl
- Bored Button by ThePancakeMan
- The Many Adventures Of Eddie Murphy by tyleops
- I'm a Banana AMV by -BreadMan-
- I'M A POTATO!! by ThePlatypusLord
Studios I'm Following
View allStudios I Curate
View all- Ashleyadorable Fan Club!
- Awesome Horse Riding Role Play For Horse Lovers
- Account HDF9FANS .
- The Tree Of Christ
- Pretty cool stuff :D
- The Tutorial Studio
- Most mangers
- les fans de scratch
- Design, Animate, Create
- DON'T LEAVE!!! (add here!)
- Merry Christmas! :)
- Hiyamonster1234's Followers And Who I am Following|
- Good Unnoticed Projects
- Minecraft Songs
- The terrifying-talent show RP!
- lps House
- Giants Fanzone!
View allFollowers
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