Scratcher Joined 8 years, 1 month ago United States
About me
Hi.I am Natalia but thats not my real name.i am 11 1/2 years old and in the sixth grade,i have a friend who made an awesome game here so i decided to join,bye.i play da piano it cool :3 >_<
What I'm working on
I am working on My new computer its a pretty awesome game just try it! and make sure to read ALLLL of the directions.i am trying to add things every day!!! Nyancat2016 says: "LIES". Me:"Shut up"
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (19)
View all- Untitled-8 by Nata_creekside
- EPIC SKATERBOY!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!my 1!!!W!f33$5L^f8t*7^%$£$%^&890oIKJgtGYjnB m by Nata_creekside
- computer simulator remix by Nata_creekside
- YOUR NEW COMPUTER THE BLURPLE :D!!i by Nata_creekside
- YOUR NEW COMPUTER DA BLURPLE :D!!! by Nata_creekside
- Rolling Sky!!!!!! remix by Nata_creekside
- PlanetFormer [PLB] remix-2 by Nata_creekside
- PHONE SIMULATOR (not cell phone) by Nata_creekside
- MLG remix by Nata_creekside
- Space Adventure remix by Nata_creekside
- BalloonPopper remix by Nata_creekside
- RILEY EAT DAT CAKKKKKKKKKKKKKKEEEEEEEE!!! remix of happy birthday by Nata_creekside
- My track :) :NEW:ONE SONG ARRANGED BY MARK HAYES by Nata_creekside
- Untitled-3 by Nata_creekside
- Deep water-Hines copy remix by Nata_creekside
- EPIC RIDING ADVENTURE :D :D!!! (remix) by Nata_creekside
- YOUR NEW COMPUTER THE BLURPLE :D!!! by Nata_creekside
- theme by Nata_creekside
- Untitled by Nata_creekside
Favorite Projects
View all- He's coming. by roninnozlo
- YOUR NEW COMPUTER THE BLURPLE :D!!! remix by NyanCat2016
- BalloonPopper by MrCochranIntroCS
- Ninja SPIKES by alphabetica
- Behind The Scenes of SUPERMAN by awesomeredbro
- PlanetFormer [PLB] remix by NyanCat2016
- PlanetFormer [PLB] by BrundinNet
- Chandelier AMV by BrundinNet
- Alone - Platformer by BrundinNet
- (Not Quite) World's Hardest Puzzle by gor-dee
- Paper Minecraft v11.7 (Minecraft 2D) by griffpatch
- Nerf In A Nutshell by Shwip
- Fractals by MrCochranIntroCS
- LEGIT Face reveal! NO CLICKBAIT by -WarblerTest-
- My Mascot! (Gobia!) :D by cooldogdude-MAPS
- HARRY POTTER IN 1:07.89 SECONDS by yourawizardharry1234
- HAPPY BIRTHDAY FRIEND by yourawizardharry1234
- YOU SHINE!! by heyguysitsme143
- Doodle Jump 3D (100% Pen) by 123768631
- Snowhere | A Platformer by BrundinNet
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