Scratcher Joined 8 years, 11 months ago United States
About me
17 men enjoyer also uh stan loona besties!
What I'm working on
literally nothing i havent been on this website in years
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (52)
View all- Henlo! by Novarl
- Hello Again by Novarl
- BATIM Chapter 3 in a nutshell (BAD ANIMATION) by Novarl
- .... by Novarl
- Bendy And The Ink Machine Songs <3 by Novarl
- Halp meh plz......... (why I should not be allowed scratch!!) by Novarl
- Untitled-3 by Novarl
- Bois I back :D by Novarl
- Untitled-107913478 lots o' messages lol o mny prjcts by Novarl
- Woah by Novarl
- I have to leave... for a bit D: by Novarl
- Possibly A New Outro???? by Novarl
- I got bored.... by Novarl
- Outro comp (plz make one for me plz) by Novarl
- I have found the best thing in the whole world!!!! by Novarl
- A bad house speed-paint. (i think...) by Novarl
- Break A Tree by Novarl
- Circle - Platformer V1.3 by Novarl
- BATIM Song - TheLivingTombstone ft. DAgames Kyle Allan by Novarl
- Repost if u think that this is SO COOTIIEEE!!!! remix remix remix remix by Novarl
Favorite Projects
View all- by blueflames228
- end me by undertale14
- Build Our Machine - Bendy and the Ink machine by uglypigman2000
- Chip Bags by FunnyAnimatorJimTV
- bendy quiz by -Bendy-
- Come Quick...... voice auditons by undertale14
- how to draw cats by tumblepelt
- gospel of dismay BATIM by duzzel15
- snakegame(100%pen) by yuseijp
- Transform 2 (A Platformer) by NinoDylan123
- Possibly A New Outro???? by Novarl
- ~Me Singing Build Our Machine- FULL SONG!!! by Villergirlmc
- Fidget Spinner Simulator by Hobson-TV
- The New Job[AnimationShorts Season 3] by FancyFoxy
- Me Singing Build Our Machine by Villergirlmc
- Cowboy - A Pixel Platformer (Beta 1.0.1) by Pyroaura
- Scratron 1.0 by sunoise
- SpikeDodge (v.1.0) by alyekhanin17
- A bad house speed-paint. (i think...) by Novarl
Studios I'm Following
View all- random minecraft stuff / fnaf
- Oc raffle!
- game of phones ( see what i did)
- 블루 록 beullu log Adoption Center
- #Invite All Your Followers!!
- ALL My Followers!!! (or people i follow)
- NinoDylan | Chizmaster
- Invite anyone!!!
- | Bendy and The Ink Machine (Batim) Fanclub |
- BATIM Fan Group
- Batim Fan club
- doctor geeks or any cool projects
- 100% Clicker Games
- bendy and the ink machine only!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: )
- The Stupid Studio (idk)
- I Feel Like A Looser....
- Thanks for adding
- if you feel sad or unwanted join
- Let's get everybody here until 9000!!
- Fame Game REMIXES™
Studios I Curate
View all- random minecraft stuff / fnaf
- Oc raffle!
- game of phones ( see what i did)
- projects aimed at myself
- undertale only!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)
- 블루 록 beullu log Adoption Center
- FANCLUB atomicmagicnumber FANCLUB
- shop + flea markets
- Villainous Rp
- Untitled Studio
- Untitled Studio
- ALL My Followers!!! (or people i follow)
- NinoDylan | Chizmaster
- Invite anyone!!!
- Chizmaster Studio
- anyone can join
- bendy and the ink machine only!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: )
- 100% Clicker Games
- Thanks for adding
- if you feel sad or unwanted join
View allFollowers
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