Scratcher Joined 5 years, 8 months ago United States
About me
Sorry that I'm not online as much anymore. I am just heading into high school, and I'd hate to start it off badly...
What I'm working on
Catching up on schoolwork so I can actually have some freetime
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (18)
View all- Dancing Triangle v3 by Pikachobi-chan
- best reversed gif ever remix fixed remix by Pikachobi-chan
- Despacitoeeee by Pikachobi-chan
- A nice pokemon poem by Pikachobi-chan
- Cell Division remix by Pikachobi-chan
- remix against boredom/ add your voice to the chain by Pikachobi-chan
- windows error by Pikachobi-chan
- i made a meme!!! by Pikachobi-chan
- kokonut by Pikachobi-chan
- Buttered Waffles of the Force (Star Wars) [In Progress] remix by Pikachobi-chan
- Buttered Waffles of the Force (Star Wars) [In Progress] remix-2 by Pikachobi-chan
- MFG remix new concept by Pikachobi-chan
- Attempting Experimental Shooter (2 Shots Challenge) remix by Pikachobi-chan
- Cheesy Chasers remix two player by Pikachobi-chan
- Beetle track remix by Pikachobi-chan
- The Longest Platformer Ever! remix remix by Pikachobi-chan
- The best chase game v2.0 by Pikachobi-chan
- pong for jaccoobbii to copy by Pikachobi-chan
Favorite Projects
View all- Multiplayer Piano by Hobson-TV
- Cellular battle by HOCKEYsLIT
- light 어드벤처-(어드벤처 시리즈2탄) by leesg5028
- %100 Pen Clock by mso123
- best reversed gif ever by peachcat14
- Despacitoeeee by Pikachobi-chan
- A nice pokemon poem by Pikachobi-chan
- Mii Music 4 your earholes. by scientistawesome
- Toilet Paper Hoarder by theChAOTiC
- Random Game 1 by AyyItz_T0x1C
- 10 Block Challenge [Cesar] by AyyItz_T0x1C
- Survive the Yeet by TheScratchFlash11
- Make-A-Blocks remix by IAmNess
- Crab Rave by Arbader360
- BEANOS by RandomRows
- cniuwerfjlacn;lnwojo by UchihaSasuke0901
- Moscow! by dewittdcp
- "Spooky Scary Skeletons"full song by jamie3-0
- Spooky Skeletons by TheRareEmar
- slither.io v1.13 (#1) by griffpatch
Studios I'm Following
View all- RGB Series (CLOSED)
- secret studio
- Join this if you want to be followed
- voice reveal?
- Meet My OCs
- Meet Max
- Pokemon
- IRL friend studio
- Roblox Fan Group!!!!!
- HELP! We need a lot of projects!
- IAmYess & IAmNess Is A *Spoilers*
- the simp project
- Pokémon!!
- Mrs. Johnson's Homeroom
- Doking In The Wrong Literature Club
Studios I Curate
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