Scratcher Joined 4 years, 8 months ago United States
About me
dead account..?
What I'm working on
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (100+)
View all- sine tween by SoulstealerNightWing
- megastructure presentation by SoulstealerNightWing
- profile picture!! by SoulstealerNightWing
- wof - graphic novel style(?) by SoulstealerNightWing
- i've improved slightly by SoulstealerNightWing
- you asked by SoulstealerNightWing
- another by SoulstealerNightWing
- cubic by SoulstealerNightWing
- quad by SoulstealerNightWing
- the nile by SoulstealerNightWing
- Untitled-25 by SoulstealerNightWing
- idea by SoulstealerNightWing
- lazyn'tn't by SoulstealerNightWing
- message by SoulstealerNightWing
- 3 by SoulstealerNightWing
- how to create (unnecessary) stress by SoulstealerNightWing
- my canteen headcanon by SoulstealerNightWing
- ooh hey lemme try by SoulstealerNightWing
- run cycle by SoulstealerNightWing
- firefly by SoulstealerNightWing
Favorite Projects
View all- BFTPOTU short: halloween by lasdfghjkpony1
- One Chip Challenge by lasdfghjkpony1
- Crossroads: Ch 1 by ab2020hb
- who broke it by -Multinia-
- Add yourself/your oc singing Algebra (0) by SquigglyTuff
- ok by fireshot25
- Starbucks by jalksdfja
- random turnbased thing by CinnamonButter
- charts [ BFTPOTU 2 ] by -MintMangoes-
- the old days of ROBLOX. by Animoun
- working on a new oc by dino_diego
- pico kills senpai.mp4 by Jas_The_Man
- newb news by fireshot25
- guess what these presets are going to be used for by dino_diego
- yeetus cleetus u r now deletus (collab) by fireshot25
- worms by fireshot25
- BF9RE-2 by undertalefan1224
- Super Scratch Brawl DEMO by fireshot25
- JJBA - Tusk by PlsGiveMeT0es
- DTAE by fireshot25
Studios I'm Following
View allStudios I Curate
View all- B.F.S.C official studio!
- B.F.T.P.O.T.U official studio!
- depression club
- Boi Cult
- Noob Clan
- my ePiC vocaloid art B))
- Add All Your Projects!
- The HipHop
- Racing endybendyjunior To 250!
- Best Friends!
- Among Us with fans and friends
- unofficial OCs submissions for BFNIY :)
- Animation War
- boss fights -w-
- things that don't need to exist
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