Scratcher Joined 1 year, 7 months ago Greece
About me
idk what to put there
Probably the most inactive user at scratch.
What I'm working on
pizza tower fani love anti piracy projects,games and japan.
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (100+)
View all- sangonomiya kokomi art [genshin impact] by TTEGF2010
- Progressbar NOT 6.0 Crazy Error genshin wallpaper by TTEGF2010
- P*n1sbar M0r0n Ruins His hater's Birthday Party by TTEGF2010
- Progressbar98 by TTEGF2010
- hahahaha by TTEGF2010
- Progressbar Servers Trailer [no vhs) by TTEGF2010
- M friend installs os progressbar 98 by TTEGF2010
- Progressbar 2000 Animation by TTEGF2010
- progressbar 98 animation(windows 98) by TTEGF2010
- sbenz by TTEGF2010
- WindowsN0d0n1234 Mockups #5 (Now With More WHwNRV U9.1 Styled Mockups, And More!) remix by TTEGF2010
- WindowsN0d0n1234 Mockups #4 (Now With WHwNRV U9.1 Styled Mockups, And More!) remix by TTEGF2010
- WindowsN0d0n1234 Mockups 3 (New Intro And Carlton Logo!) remix by TTEGF2010
- WindowsN0d0n1234 Mockups 2 remix by TTEGF2010
- WindowsN0d0n1234 Mockups 1 remix by TTEGF2010
- New WindowsN0d0n1234 Mockups #1 by TTEGF2010
- windows vista answers 10 genshin questions to kokomi by TTEGF2010
- Vista reads Vienna's diary/Blackmail her/GROUNDED by TTEGF2010
- Vista Misbehaves at Kenny's Birthday/Grounded/Punished (Pliot) by TTEGF2010
- WindowsN0d0n1234 History (Part 2) (1992-1998) remix-3 by TTEGF2010
Favorite Projects
View all- PS2 Virus Simulator by runnyanimate
- Windows 97 OSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS by kiko_15122008
- Windows 10 Crazy Error by radio80fm
- Windows 7 Crazy Error by eargc
- Windows 2000 Crazy Error by NoahTDM6
- Windows NT Workstation 10.7 Crazy Error by Scratch2lover
- Windows Vista Crazy Error by Mac-Stick-92
- Nintndo 3DS Crazy Error by Stick-RPG-12
- Windows 8 Crazy Error by haydencallowwin
- Windows 95/3.1 CRAZY ERROR!!!!!! by dogoooo
- Snackbar 95 included (mmmm yummy, i smell cookies) by glgandbailey
- Progressbar95 Never Released remix by Kmorell
- Progressbar95 Never Released fixed by mclen_111111
- Progressbar and BarOS Evolution of startup and shutdown sounds (with windows and macos sounds) by 2020Windows10X
- Progressbar95 Never Released by kagel
- Progressbar95 Never Released 1 and trash by TSTV-alt
- Progressbar95 Never Released 1 (fixed startup) by Matteo082115
- Progressbar95 Never Released 1 by Kyle123qwerty
- History of Progressbar XB (1998-200000000000001) + Fake Versions by DeanScratches
- Progressbar 98.EXE Buttons B New Remak by KagelR3
Studios I'm Following
View all- We HAVE to save the 3DS and Wii U!
- WHwNRV, WNR, And More!
- Add Only WHwNRV Collection Projects
- smurf cat worshipping cult
- we live we love we lie
- Follow if you like smurf cat
- Follow if you live, you love and you lie.
- Anti-Piracy Studio
- anti piracy studio ONLY
- Anti Piracy Screens
- Anti piracy screen studio
- Anti Piracy Screen スタジオ
- Anti-Piracy Warnings
- Doraemon 1973 Recreations
- Doraemon 1973 x Doraemon Lost Media
- アンチパイラシースクリーンをいれまくれ!!
- Uncanny studios
- NO SERENA Studio!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Studios I Curate
View all- we live we love we lie
- gallery of the whole world div
- the random studio 16-25 october
- Mr Incredible Becoming Uncanny Phase 2501-3000
- Mr Incredible Becoming Uncanny
- Mr Incredible Becoming Uncanny Ultra Extended.
- memes club 300 followers pls
- Uncannyblocks Band
- anti ruby gilman studio
- Radesh Smurfman MrTrollfaceDude Y Sus Amigos
- 1350 to 1500
- something but....
- add anything 2
- Aidoru
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