Scratcher Joined 8 years, 7 months ago Brazil
About me
after i @matheusonline
and @matheusisback
but scratchteam banned my accounts and now i @the-flame-of-matheus
i using scratch 1.4 for making games!
i still use scratch 2.0 for animations and games
What I'm working on
the best matheus of universe!
i indie game developer i working the game and post the site called gamejolt i going to making better games
Visit my friend and good account: @evil-matheus
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (100+)
View all- final project! by The-Flame-Of-Matheus
- ME VS BITMAP SCRATCH CAT by The-Flame-Of-Matheus
- add yourself dancing by The-Flame-Of-Matheus
- keepa tru po min by The-Flame-Of-Matheus
- i punch super Matheus.exe by The-Flame-Of-Matheus
- matheuslodeon in endings logo by The-Flame-Of-Matheus
- Add yourself doing the "spheradance". remix by The-Flame-Of-Matheus
- LOL! again... by The-Flame-Of-Matheus
- give me the message! by The-Flame-Of-Matheus
- Announcement to ya' all by The-Flame-Of-Matheus
- crazy scratch cat (louco scratch cat) by The-Flame-Of-Matheus
- To @KeithyComedian with Keithybross by The-Flame-Of-Matheus
- The New Keithybross Show Intro On matheuslodeon by The-Flame-Of-Matheus
- welcome to my super profile by The-Flame-Of-Matheus
- meow! by The-Flame-Of-Matheus
- my newer outro (improved) by The-Flame-Of-Matheus
- Scratch Blocks 4 (Add Yourself!) v0.2.5 by The-Flame-Of-Matheus
- sorry! by The-Flame-Of-Matheus
- super matheus.exe sprite by The-Flame-Of-Matheus
- super matheus sprite right and left by The-Flame-Of-Matheus
Favorite Projects
- If Sans Became a Teacher. XD by FRANK129
- Give me your character and i'll improve it. remix by ScotchU14
- matheuslodeon in endings logo by The-Flame-Of-Matheus
- Here. by KirbyComedian
- How Mario respond to Spaghetti by BOB223_SM64
- matheuslodeon the new network! by The-Flame-Of-Matheus
- Favorite this project if you miss BROSSBARNEY. by The-Flame-Of-Matheus
- now i am super-hero! remix by Mega_Toons
- i flying with lloviant! by The-Flame-Of-Matheus
- eu conheci um cara... by Mega_Toons
- Randomynessers 5 by scratchU8
- Políça e Ládrãu( PQ EU SEMPRE SOU O LADRÃU?) by Mega_Toons
- I'm not DM! by YSRathour2
- I'M NOT SQUARE! by FBM12Rises
- Pico tirou uma tv do ouvido by jackson959
- Everyone's Reaction To My old account getting blocked by BROSSBARNEY_IS_BACK
- my icon by matheusmax
- Hira Grounds Matheus/Grounded by BROSSBARNEY
- add yourself standing at scratch land remix by BROSSBARNEY
Studios I'm Following
View all- Logos.EXE Studio
- Logos.EXE Buttons
- Fráuei I ÇUAS PAILAÇADAS |;´・ω・`|ノシ
- Matheusbross Network
- Toon Scratch
- AppleBob FrutPants
- (none)
- LolaBob LoudPants (CANCELLED)
- sans and papyrus Adventures DUBBED!
- Frank The Game 2016
- Estúdio de Updates do Novo Jogo!
- Um estúdio que eu criei.
- ask matheus
Studios I Curate
View all- gabrielsfan super satam network
- matheuslodeon
- rip matheusbross network
- Caillou's Follower Club
- epic fall of matheus
- brossbarney adventures
- matheus productions
- Frank The Game 2016
- learningsahanno gets grounded
- greeny phatom 2
- sirc gets grounded
- matheus games inc.
- matheusTV
- Bring Back ;n;
- No More Jumpscares!
- Can We Get 2000 projects 100 manegers Pleases?
- The Swag Team Studio
- #SaveCD20!
- 20th Television Fox And Paramount Television Logos
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