Scratcher Joined 7 years, 8 months ago Japan
About me
well I love the lost narrator I hate harry potter I am 16 years old I have an after school job I have like 4 art classes at school, and that's about it to say about me oh and I like mlp XD
What I'm working on
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (21)
View all- Assertive fluttershy-Boo Hoo :) remix by TheLostNarrator
- new OC!!!! by TheLostNarrator
- A little thing bout myself by TheLostNarrator
- Add Yourself ~ <3 remix remix by TheLostNarrator
- CC contest *open* remix by TheLostNarrator
- Stereo Hearts remix *animation not finished* remix by TheLostNarrator
- a little aj drawing i drew of my main charactor by TheLostNarrator
- I hate you I love you OPEN CCE remix by TheLostNarrator
- Shape of You CC remix by TheLostNarrator
- †˙´ ˚´¥ ˆß ßøµ´∑˙´®´ remix by TheLostNarrator
- How TheLostNarrator are you? remix-2 by TheLostNarrator
- How MCSM_Ships are you? remix by TheLostNarrator
- How JellyJams are you? remix by TheLostNarrator
- CC contest *Closed, working on winners!* by TheLostNarrator
- Lost misses Mag by TheLostNarrator
- Its my voice yay! by TheLostNarrator
- Almost there*CLOSED!* remix by TheLostNarrator
- Birthday Card (for scratch) by TheLostNarrator
- Add yourself as a pony! remix remix by TheLostNarrator
Favorite Projects
View all- A little thing bout myself remix by ScootalooOnScratch
- Build Our Machine maps remix for fun :p by olik12
- Assertive fluttershy-Boo Hoo :) by candyofchocolate123
- My Epic followers CCE! by Windthief
- Mesozoic Episode 2 by crystalstar10
- Mesozoic Episode 1 by crystalstar10
- mlp fight song remix by ScootalooOnScratch
- Sans Plays Megalovania - Prikle Gif by MSPA
- CC contest *open* remix by AAGgamer
- Stay Calm AMV AnimalJam by wolflover18178
- Stereo Hearts remix *animation not finished* by ScootalooOnScratch
- Anthrapology the game *DEMO* by ScootalooOnScratch
- Part 14 (Please!) by thalia2006
- pinkies lie CC *open* remix by ScootalooOnScratch
- aparri song by nightmarecupcake22
- Skyfeather Misses Charlie by -SkyStar-
- A Day in the Life by ScratchCat
- dangerous david guetta remix remix by windy40
- Thank you, scoot! by BonnietheBrokenBunny
- Minty Run for the MLP roleplay by BonnietheBrokenBunny
Studios I'm Following
View all- Adventures of Fernclan: The Journey(S:1)
- Eeveeclan RP
- ❤ Kawaii studio! ❤
- Bye Guys! :(
- Divided Clan RP
- The World Between (RP)
- ajsmv (animal jam scratch music videos) studio!!! :3
- Studio Spotlight
- if you are bored come here!
- 50 Follower DTA
- The Elements of Harmony/ RP
- ask/dare blue x frisk
- Sleep Over RP~!
- Happy Birthday, Ari!
- MLP Music Studio
- MLP Music Studio
- Ask Me!
- studio for cookie_cupcakes20 and tinymangle
- Summer Camp RP
Studios I Curate
View all- Adventures of Fernclan: The Journey(S:1)
- Eeveeclan RP
- ❤ Kawaii studio! ❤
- Bye Guys! :(
- ajsmv (animal jam scratch music videos) studio!!! :3
- Divided Clan RP
- 50 Follower DTA
- JohnLaurensFreckles Q&A
- The Elements of Harmony/ RP
- Hunger Games RP
- ask/dare blue x frisk
- Happy Birthday, Ari!
- Sleep Over RP~!
- Ask Me!
- Summer Camp RP
- New Kitten!
- write your own creepypasta story!
- So... Who Do Ya Ship Me With?
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