Scratcher Joined 8 years, 1 month ago United States
About me
Yeetus Deletus
What I'm working on
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (34)
View all- Star Wars Scratch Cat Spinner Improved by VG-24
- Nine Circles by VG-24
- Partyt R Igng by VG-24
- At the Speed of Light/Dimrian47 by VG-24
- Crab Rave Earape by VG-24
- X-Step by VG-24
- Electroman Adventures and Theory of Everything by VG-24
- Spongebob Earape by VG-24
- John Cena Earape by VG-24
- Panini-Lil Nas X by VG-24
- Old Town Road - Lil Nas X by VG-24
- Star Wars Cat by VG-24
- 3rd year Anniversary by VG-24
- Bendnite Horror Royale by VG-24
- Green Steve 3 by VG-24
- Life of a Rich Fish Spinner by VG-24
- Ultimate Bendy Maze by VG-24
- Fidget Spinners!!!!!! by VG-24
- Fidget Spinner Bendy by VG-24
Favorite Projects
View all- Dark- A plafomer by bob5guy
- Gimme dat toilet paper! by diplomatsquid586
- Planet Clicker by Coltroc
- Star Wars: Scratch Cat Spinner by diplomatsquid586
- Meme Mania by GarboMarvin
- Try not to laugh by greedykitty
- ☢ Radioactive (part 1) ☢ by DarkLava
- Finger-dash Geometry dash 2.1 Art by indominus5534
- Knock 'em Music by HarryMarriott
- BATIM escape game by Fan1rst
- Geometry Dash Levels 9-13 by CrystalKeeper7
- Press Start by badusername360
- What you dream when you eat 100 year old cheetos by diplomatsquid586
- Is JOHN CENA an insturment? by dman5151
- Cuphead by juanito1509
- Cute Cube Adventure 1 (Platformer Series) by CopperStar15
- Crab Rave by Arbader360
- Space Trooper Hacked! by Lightning_327
- The Ninja Master Hacked! by Will_Wam
- Geometry Dash World Toxic Factory by CrystalKeeper7
Studios I'm Following
View allStudios I Curate
View all- 1,000,000 projects. (please make it that many)
- CopperStar15 Studio/Chat With Copper!
- Geometry Dash Stuff
- STAR WARS!!!!!!!!
- 史莱姆危机(战神火线(老号的作品)续作)制作组 12/100(放弃了)
- SGCN scratch General Assembly at Chinese
- willywillycow/liansheng ’s science team
- 小黑屋/black house
- 多玩我的世界守护工作室
- minecreft 3d workshop/ liansheng company's
- Bendy Stuff
- Vista Grande Coding Club
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