Scratcher Joined 4 years, 8 months ago United States
About me
Woody hates Compound Numbers along with 91
Best Friends Forever:
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What I'm working on
Woody's TVOKids Logo Bloopers 2WoodyKids Logo Bloopers
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (100+)
View all- Done by Woody-The-Scratch
- Done by Woody-The-Scratch
- Woodyblocks Set by Woody-The-Scratch
- Done? by Woody-The-Scratch
- Done???? by Woody-The-Scratch
- Done by Woody-The-Scratch
- Done by Woody-The-Scratch
- Done by Woody-The-Scratch
- Done-2 by Woody-The-Scratch
- Done? by Woody-The-Scratch
- Done! by Woody-The-Scratch
- Done by Woody-The-Scratch
- Done by Woody-The-Scratch
- Again, I tried by Woody-The-Scratch
- I tried by Woody-The-Scratch
- Done?? by Woody-The-Scratch
- Done by Woody-The-Scratch
- Done? by Woody-The-Scratch
- Figured Bib, Cleven, and Dib Out! (Base-36) by Woody-The-Scratch
- Done by Woody-The-Scratch
Favorite Projects
View all- For you guys by logoschannel2
- Woody’s cyborg look by logoschannel2
- 2022 Taco from BFB Referendum by TacoScratch2001
- 2022 Total Dramablocks Referendum by Cameron-on-Scratch
- For Gustavo clock yinyang and woody by bookiebear725
- You are too late to Vote! by Lightning-on-Scratch
- Should I use Jay's or wario100's Numberblocks? by TeamNumberblocks
- Windows Woody (For Woody-The-Scratch) by EricNumberblockFan
- Woody In The Numberblocks Band (For Woody-The-Scratch) by EricNumberblockFan
- Numberblocks: Forty-Six's Miserable Adventure - (Platformer) by 22rho2
- Is this Numberblocks mouth overused? by Roman-Reigns_x03
- Firey Wins! by DaillouScratcherYT
- Taco Wins! by DaillouScratcherYT
- Firey Jr. Wins by PenScratch1993
- Ericblocks Twenty-One (5) by Woody-The-Scratch
- Done as if by Woody-The-Scratch
- Numberblock Woody has Message to q! (FIXED) by Gustavo-Maker
- Luigi (Me) as Numberblock Form by Luigi-on-Scratch
- TVOGustavo Logo by Woody-The-Scratch
- 153 Gets A New Look (Fixed) (My Version) by Woody-The-Scratch
Studios I'm Following
View all- United States scratchers
- BFBblocks Logo Studio
- (NEW) Teardropblocks Studio
- Lightbulb-blocks Studio
- BFBblocks Studio
- Gustavoblocks Remastered Studio
- Numberscratch Studio (JOIN TODAY!)
- Numberblock Ninety-One's base counterparts
- Wangy's numberblocks quarters
- The Numberblocks Studio
- Primerblocks Studio
- NumberFriends
- The Gustavoblocks Studio!
- The Ericblocks Studio!
- Roxxaine's studio.
- Studio des projets cool / Cool projects studio
- Luigi Logo Bloopers Studio
Studios I Curate
View all- United States scratchers
- CM2839189 Fanclub!
- Official 29 vs fake 29s
- BFB Fan Club
- bookiebear725blocks season 1
- (NEW) Teardropblocks Studio
- The Numberblocks Studio
- Lightbulb-blocks Studio
- Randaluchblocks Studio
- /calm down hearty
- Symbolthingies Studio
- Let's Stop EvilOneTeddy!
- Heaven and hell (Bfb four and x, au)
- Lemer's Announcements
- TiaC Official Studio
- Base-7 NumberBlocks
- Ask My Twenty-Nine
- BFBblocks Studio
- Gustavoblocks Remastered Studio
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