Student of: TMCA Scratcher Joined 2 years, 4 months ago United States Minor Outlying Islands
About me
Love is ded yk?
Big Sister @DeadlyKitten-_-
My teddybear @_Joyce_is_here_
I'm wanted for $2 million hehe~
my Cool big sis @-Cookie-Roleplay-
bandlab xx_juju_xx
What I'm working on
we stopped checking for monsters under the bed when we realized they were inside us. -joker
Look, I'm an atheist, but when God sends me to the devil I want him to hesitate. -technoblade
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (10)
View all- To my sisters by XD_redhunter_DX
- ❤ SIGN IF YOU SHIP LUMITY (LUZ X AMITY) ❤ remix remix remix remix remix remix remix by XD_redhunter_DX
- Untitled by XD_redhunter_DX
- ~Gacha Life Dress Up~ remix by XD_redhunter_DX
- circle your your zodiac by XD_redhunter_DX
- Remix If You Agree ~ remix remix remix remix remix remix remix remix remix by XD_redhunter_DX
- ._. by XD_redhunter_DX
- Remix and Circle your Identity! remix by XD_redhunter_DX
- Repost If You've Done One Of These by XD_redhunter_DX
- Sign in if you like anime!!! by XD_redhunter_DX
Favorite Projects
View all- FRE-SH-A-VOCA-DO!! :D by carloslovesspacejam2
- sign if you support by Xx_Bad_Karma_xX
- C.O.D ZOMBIES by benny1000
- If ur not a Christian plz invite the Lord into ur heart today. by ALPHA_BYTES
- Minecraft Modern Mod!!(2Dマイクラ) by highpandapanda1
- Paper Minecraft Super Mod!! by highpandapanda1
- Paper Minecraft, but it's ridiculous by cowmanjl
- Circle your zodiac! by lunalayla
- Remix true....... by lunalayla
- Fortnite auto clicker by holmegag1
- Paper Minecraft with zombies wearing armor by kotekhehe
- Paper Minecraft Potions Update!!! by kotekhehe
- Paper Minecraft End Update!!! (bug) by kotekhehe
- ~Gacha Life Dress Up~ remix by XD_redhunter_DX
- Roblox 3D Online v0.3 by TheGoodGuy8000
- ☁ BED WARS 2 ☁ PVP MULTIPLAYER ☁ by prodforer
- PROOF I HAVE CAMERA'S ON YOU LOL remix-2 by kk_urfavvvv
- Believe (Instrumental):NEFFEX by ThenuYF
- Sign in if you like anime!!! remix by Inupi_
Studios I'm Following
View all- 50+ followers q+a [closed]
- ~*Anime_Music*~
- RP C.R.E.W.
- music club
- My team members! <3
- 20 follower art contest (closed)
- #300th follower special contest
- _DancingKitty_'s studio
- Single Pringle
- Roleplay chat
- Pack
- FoxyRoxy100 follower's studio
- To my followers and friends...
- Cursed Community!
- Jade's Room
- Carnage's Nuclear War Bunker
- Add as many projects as possible
- Ava2254’s mailbox
- lgbtqia+
- Takeda0410sabu0のフォロワー様スタジオ
Studios I Curate
View all- 50+ followers q+a [closed]
- 5 Nights at Caydens Waiting list
- music club
- My team members! <3
- 20 follower art contest (closed)
- #300th follower special contest
- _DancingKitty_'s studio
- Single Pringle
- FoxyRoxy100 follower's studio
- Pack
- To my followers and friends...
- Carnage's Nuclear War Bunker
- Takeda0410sabu0のフォロワー様スタジオ
- Love?
- Yoshiスタジオ
View allFollowers
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