Scratcher Joined 3 years, 6 months ago Malaysia
About me
我是空幻 不时上线INTJ 11年 巨蟹座
What I'm working on
What I've been doing
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XDandXDandXDagainXD hasn't shared any projects
Favorite Projects
- Fill Infinite by CrystalKeeper7
- 打造綠色小鎮 by Blackwolf0212
- Feed the Beast by alphabetica
- 爆富遊戲Get Rich V1.2 by fu26
- free follow! by Mike-TTT
- ☁️ Among Us Scratch v3.21 (online) by TimMcCool
- Minecraft Speedrun: The Game by KillerByte
- 幸運噴泉 Lucky fountain by HelloKarren
- Rainbow Scratch Paper by OrigamiPig
- 動物跑酷 - 聖誕 by EricBu
- ⚘ #All #Games #Art #Animations #Music #Trending #Mobile #Generic #Music- by utkarsh_singh
- ⚘#All #Games #Art #Animations #Music #Trending #Mobile #Generic #Music- by utkarsh_singh
- ⚘ #All #Games #Art #Animations #Music #Trending #Mobile #Generic #Music- by utkarsh_singh
- ⚘ #All #Games #Art #Animations #Music #Trending #Mobile #Generic #Music- by utkarsh_singh
- ⚘ #All #Games #Art #Animations #Music #Trending #Mobile #Generic #Music- by utkarsh_singh
- Scratch Quiz - Mobile friendly game, cloud ready, #griffpatch #will_wam #atomicmagicnumber by atomicmagicnumber
- ☁️ 測試中!!! 線上雲端多人伺服器|500關注派對☁️ by KHPe14133
- Santa Piggy 2 by JackPigPro
- Pizza Clicker! #games #all #pizza by TrentonTNT
Studios I'm Following
View all- ll追星星的女孩ll
- (∩•̀ω•́)⊃-*⋆畫集
- Pi Day 2022
- 扭正scratch集合小隊
- 徒弟工作室
- 2021: A Scratch Year in Review
- Effects that POP Tutorial
- [removed]
- 时代少年团
- 刷信箱の工作室~
- Platformers!
- Somewhere Out There
- ❤表白小屋❤
- Make a Classic Platformer | part 8
- Make a Classic Platformer | part 7
- I wish...
- F4F
- 华人Scratcher工作室
- Make a Classic Platformer | part 6
- 追星之地✨
Studios I Curate
View all- ll追星星的女孩ll
- Doraemon&nobita
- Zombie CH 1 V2.5 OUT !!!
- Christmas Projects ༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ
- Topics of discutions
- My chatroom
- 羽雨扇工作室
- ArcherInfinite's Official Fan Club!
- ⚡The Tankman Union⚡
- A Crescent Moon (A Minecraft RP)
- #teamseas
- 一個永恆不滅的創之地
- 我的朋友
- ✨United Of Andrew Empire State✨
- Pfp creator!!
- 快来分享你的作品吧~
- [removed]
- Scratch Games
- Singingkittybaby followers and me!
- -万圣节画画比赛-
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