Scratcher Joined 4 years, 1 month ago United States
About me
eh, just a person who pays back what other people gives me as an life lesson, when you get in someones else's buisness and are wrong which make it twice as worse, but no worries, there leason should b
What I'm working on
(cont.) e teached by now. i am currently unsharing projects, and changing my pfp. Take care.
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (0)
YummyBeans1 hasn't shared any projects
Favorite Projects
View all- A Speech From the President by HyperGamerStudios
- M4A1 reworked by CodingKona
- ☁️AMONG US! 40 Players! (Tech Demo) #Games #All by ButteredToast9
- Sonar.io by LVRS
- Destructed Domination (Demo) by LVRS
- COD: Scratch Edition (3D) v1.07 by UntoldGaming
- 1 Month of Scratching. by UntoldGaming
- Persona 3D: The Remake v0.2 by UntoldGaming
- ☁️ Among Us by soupgrapes
Studios I'm Following
View all- ScratchChat Studio
- Ruin Tech: Enhanced
- @UntoldGaming's Account (before it was banned)
- Save Scratch
- Untold Gaming's Hideout
- Milk and Mocha Fan Club!
- Chaotic Games
- BobzGames Engines
- LCD Cat Official Studio
- Doomers Only!!!!!!
- Army Of DooM
- @th3ch33z1t Fan Club!
- Scratch GENEHEX
- Mr.Ferguson group
- BobzGames Sprites
- After Future
- 3D Shooters
- COD: Scratch Edition
Studios I Curate
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