Scratcher Joined 3 years, 10 months ago United States
About me
I'm Genderbent Zero.
Aliases: ZeroTheCreator, Zach/Zachary, Zero/0, ZachThHero, ZeroThAlt
(This Account Is Closed!)
What I'm working on
NB/NFG Stuff
Object Everything (Object Show)
NB Band or NBB
TC/TCI (New Series)
The Scratcher All-Star Brawl (Big Collab Project)
(See Studio For More Information)
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (100+)
View all- Alphabet Lore But Translated 80 Times Challenge by ZeroThHero
- 700 Projects And A Happy New Year! by ZeroThHero
- Zanta But It's An Antiko, Besty, & John Cover! by ZeroThHero
- (ay) warriors (heroes) of scratch (7) by ZeroThHero
- Alphabet Lore (A-Z) scratch edition (Part 2) (Remastered) by ZeroThHero
- Ꝥ (DAL) For @AlphabetLoreScratch by ZeroThHero
- Fixed That by ZeroThHero
- Numberblocks Band 1-10 (Remastered) by ZeroThHero
- Alphabet Lore With Different Styles by ZeroThHero
- Jay-styled Humans Collection V.239 by ZeroThHero
- The 4 Gang says: (With NB 4) by ZeroThHero
- The Crew Band 1 by ZeroThHero
- Alphabet Lore (A-Z) scratch edition (Part 1) (Remastered) by ZeroThHero
- c by ZeroThHero
- The Spikey the Hedgeboy Movie: Part 12 (With A Bonus Scene) by ZeroThHero
- The Spikey the Hedgeboy Movie: Part 12 (With A Bonus Scene) by ZeroThHero
- The Spikey the Hedgeboy Movie: Part 12 by ZeroThHero
- AY: The Spikey the Hedgeboy Movie: Part 11 (2) by ZeroThHero
- I Made More Bonuses. by ZeroThHero
- TSTHBM | "The Escape After Dr. Cheese Head's Defeat" Quotes (Near-Final Part) (Zach Dies Scene) by ZeroThHero
Favorite Projects
View all- Alphabet Lore in Harrymations' Style (V4) by jurekac10
- New S & s Designs! by superbinbin
- The NEW KingAjRocks Characters ( NEW 2023 MODEL ) by kingAjrocks
- ALRIS + DALRIS Cast by -GhostCreations-
- uirvmwh by wario100
- which show with similar names is better? by kirbyfan2021
- Alive H by W2KFisback
- Longest Word Without No Repeating Letters by SAMORYREID2022
- The Crew Band 1 by ZeroThHero
- For @SpikeyToons2007 by speedboy28
- January Updates (2023) by speedboy28
- Happy New Year 2023! by JoetheScratchmaker
- DateBlocks Band 65 (Remake + FIXED^3) by SAMORYREID2022
- A Comparison Between the Old (2.0) and the New (3.0) Scratch Cat by bennyiscool
- друзей by loganscratchcat
- Will you save J W on Youtube? by AbyVargas18
- COBARDE by 2deefruity
- Alphabet Lore With Different Styles by ZeroThHero
- The Crew (Ep.1) "A Buckety Beginning" Voice Lines by ZeroThAlt
- Custom Numberblocks Sprite Pack by qocy
Studios I'm Following
View all- CTAI S1
- follow if you have a pen plush
- The Scratchers Movie 1 Remastered (Finished Scenes)
- Spelling Things With The Alphabet Lore!
- Deleted Alphabet Lore (My Version)
- The Spikey the Hedgeboy Movie Studio
- Deleted Alphabet Lore
- The KingAjRocks Community
- Battle for Numberland full Episode
- Alphabet Lore Scratch
- Number Lore but Alphabet Lore (ABANDONED)
- Greek Alphabet Lore (Official)
- The Scratchers Movie Franchise OFFICAL Studio
- Alphabet lore and many projects allowed!
- (OFFICIAL) La Historia del Alfabeto
- Where in the World is Spikey?
- The Scratcher All-Star Brawl Rebooted
- Scratch Clash Battle | Official Studio
- Numbers_Finalest's Number Lore
- Mile Salcedo Styled Characters
Studios I Curate
View all- Sonic's Scratch Community (2023)
- Belladroid's Dark Story
- The YekipsCartoons Studio
- Old English Alphabet Lore (DAL)
- UBKN Collab Studio
- Spikey's Team ( New Studio )
- Save Spikey the Hedgeboy!
- Spikey’s Team
- Foodles And Friends Studios
- The Team
- Deleted Alphabet Lore (My Version)
- The Spikey the Hedgeboy Movie Studio
- Numberblocks Band All
- The Scratchers Movie 1 Remastered (Finished Scenes)
- Coming Soon…..
- The Scratcher All-Star Brawl Rebooted
- The Scratchers Movie 1 Remastered Studio
- Good's Castle
- Halloween Scratchers and the DEVIANTARTERS
- The TC/TCI/TAS Sprite Pack Collection
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