Scratcher Joined 6 years, 8 months ago China
About me
10 years old
What I'm working on
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (22)
View all- 第三次世界大战 by caojunduo
- 荒野生存 by caojunduo
- 无敌的小猫 by caojunduo
- CL1.0 by caojunduo
- 我的世界-弓箭手大作战 remix by caojunduo
- 打蚊子 by caojunduo
- 小猫探险队 copy by caojunduo
- 看星星 by caojunduo
- 火柴人战争2.1 by caojunduo
- 飞机大战 remix by caojunduo
- 冰河竞速 remix by caojunduo
- 滑稽的大冒险8.0最新版Funny big adventure 8.0 latest version remix by caojunduo
- 电子贺卡(按空格键有惊喜!!!) by caojunduo
- 小猫探险队 by caojunduo
- 捕鱼 by caojunduo
- 方块历险记3 by caojunduo
- CAT and FISH by caojunduo
- ~The Mantis Encyclopedia~ remix by caojunduo
- A boy's died by caojunduo
- Down,down and down by caojunduo
Favorite Projects
View all- 名字竞技场 by 0258520
- (中立)迷你狗和迷你玩家的区别 by Da-douBi
- 谁先死第二关 by 13798547790
- 坑逼游戏第二十关 by smylbqh
- Ice Bridger - A platformer - by AnimationsScratch
- 坑逼游戏第十六关 by smylbqh
- Mean Words Hurt: a platformer by TtoasteeMC
- Lightcube Platformer by firstject
- Shopkeeper (Run Your Own Shop!) | Version 0.55 by waddle90467
- 迷你战争:丧尸世纪 (圣诞版) 中文版 by Lionfish666
- 坑逼游戏第十三关 by smylbqh
- 涂鸦攀爬 by Faith_China
- 迷你塔防 by gary197741
- 第五人格 v2.6 #beta版 by lirongyao
- 狙击猫吃鸡记(一) by Kenny5656
- 躲弹幕第二关 by 0258520
- 坑逼游戏第十关 by smylbqh
- 惊叹! by 0258520
- 大冒险 by EatingchickenGod
- 电视机 by Fyao
Studios I'm Following
View allStudios I Curate
View all- hz2009粉丝工作室
- 中英scratch have game and music!
- 是中国人就进来的专用比赛工作室
- 坑逼大作战(Pit force studio)
- 学校导弹党
- Check this out!!!
- Project 1,000,000,000 Studio!
- Fyao’s fan studio
- Scratch Awarding Ceremony! (2018 Pre-Awards!)
- 未来工作室
- 地下鉄サリン事件!
- Scratch市公交车身纹理设计选举
- I have a youtube channel...
- Minecraft我的世界第 3 区监管中心(作品中心)
- 十全十美工作室
- JustinianK Fan Club
- 新概念英语第一册
- 滑稽工作室
- My sister made a game...
- Game Studio 遊戲工坊
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