Scratcher Joined 7 years, 8 months ago United States
About me
What I'm working on
Actually using scratch for coding!!! lol
I really need to though...
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (58)
View all- Cat running by coolgurl150598
- Matchmaking List 1 remix (All Book characters) by coolgurl150598
- Remix this if you are against bullying remix remix by coolgurl150598
- Intro 4 MarellaKOTLC by coolgurl150598
- Bicycle Races are coming your way by coolgurl150598
- The weirdness of where I live by coolgurl150598
- The Dumbest Man Alive! remix remix by coolgurl150598
- Wolf Pack {an RP} by coolgurl150598
- Repost If You Can Read It! Remix Remix Remix remix remix remix by coolgurl150598
- Sith Lord be defeated by Yoda by coolgurl150598
- Revenge of the 5th!!! by coolgurl150598
- May the 4th be with you!!! remix by coolgurl150598
- Pronouns remix remix by coolgurl150598
- KOTLC Ship or Rip remix remix remix by coolgurl150598
- ADD YOUR SELF!! remix by coolgurl150598
- *Add Yourself!* remix remix remix remix by coolgurl150598
- The squiggle game! (explained!) by coolgurl150598
- One line drawings! by coolgurl150598
- Wizzy the Dizzy by coolgurl150598
- Cashew le chat / remix of read whole thing by coolgurl150598
Favorite Projects
View all- um... by AlphaDragonWolf123
- Intreooooooooo by MarellaKOTLC
- Would you save this IceWing? Remix if you care....... remix remix remix remix by AlphaDragonWolf123
- Disney Memes by -DisneyGal-
- Modern Day Disney Princesses by -DisneyGal-
- The Dumbest Man Alive! remix by Sushicat_7
- Rainbow mouse trail! by Sushicat_7
- Shannon Messenger is smartie by Mango41910
- re-animated by LEAD20AA
- Add YOUR SELF!! remix by Mango41910
- The squiggle game! (explained!) by coolgurl150598
- Superhero or comedy animation? by BrittanyTV
- ❖Vortex❖ by Sushicat_7
- Lego Contest!!! by coolgurl150598
- E g g s Trailer by 20Loki20
- Monkey business!!!! by Thecraftycoder569
- DRAWING KOTLC -open- by TeamFosterKeefe1
- DRWAING KOTLC remix by coolgurl150598
- I Can Guess Your Age: Sophie Foster by Goofygirl323
- Coolgurl's - SAMS DANCE - remix by coolgurl150598
Studios I'm Following
View all- ~Squirrel Camp~
- Bruh how did this happen?
- Scratch concil
- Scratch Catalog
- The music club
- The Kingdom of Asterin {A RP}
- Read disk (Srry 4 the invite)
- E g g s: The Studio
- Talk to me Here
- New account
- *•.The forest ~ an rp.•*
- ↠Cursed: A RP↞
- Book RP's (KOTLC/ HP/ Wild Magic/ etc.
- Sushicat_7's friends and fans!
- KOTLC Fans Unite!
- KOTLC RP! Please join!
- Create your own Google logo
Studios I Curate
View all- Kahoot challenges
- Wolf Pack {an RP}
- Among us?
- 8 REALMS {a cont. of 5 realms} - RP
- Animation studio
- Bruh how did this happen?
- Scratch Catalog
- Scratch concil
- The music club
- The I hate chairs club!
- Memories - OC Rp
- Actually I am not leaving
- Camp Evergreen • A RP
- Good bye :(
- Please read disk
- I might have to leave scratch
- What should I do for getting 130+ followers?
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