Scratcher Joined 6 years, 2 months ago Location not given
About me
Female/ Likes Danganronpa, Hamilton, SIX the Musical, more musicals, Roblox, Total Drama, and Undertale
What I'm working on
Some new things that I feel intrested in.
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (100+)
View all- Evil chicken by cs1972411
- Fall by cs1972411
- Your Virtual Friend, Abby by cs1972411
- GRRRLS // Meme by cs1972411
- Sonic the scratch project by cs1972411
- Add yourself as a cat Nanami Editon by cs1972411
- Nyeh heh AHHHHHHHHHHH by cs1972411
- How Jo Dances In Her Slopes by cs1972411
- Trying text to speech by cs1972411
- ♡Sign if you support furries!♡ remix remix remix remix by cs1972411
- Add yourself as a nyan cat remix by cs1972411
- Add yourself as a dog remix by cs1972411
- All the way from London by cs1972411
- The Gamer Witch by cs1972411
- Schyler Sisters (Short) by cs1972411
- It's goin', it's goin', it's goin', its gone. by cs1972411
- Growing wings eternally by cs1972411
- Pitcher Pit's room by cs1972411
- Angry Witch by cs1972411
Favorite Projects
View all- Squidward Watches Thanos Snap! by uru0526
- Squidward watches himself by Ki11rShadow
- Add yourself as a cat Nanami Editon by cs1972411
- Danganronpa Execution by benthepro123456
- Dangan Ronpa RP Form by Cyna
- Posin' Meme | Danganronpa 2 by -Kirigiri-
- Danganronpa Memes by CureHappy4Life
- ᴍᴀɢɪᴄ ᴘᴇᴛ by catrazzy
- Don't Drop Your Pencil by -TheGreenNinja-
- Run by awesomeal82
- furret walks to tesco to get beans by treechimp
- I Can Guess Your Name! by chompy23
- Untitled-17 by kirah201
- Non-Stop Taken literally by RMAnderson
- Hot potato! Im so not sorry... help me by articbluey
- Face Reveal by DerpAnimation
- My Projects In a Nutshell by Fiery_The_Sheep
- How to Follow Yourself / Remix Your Own Projects by Will_Wam
- Temmie Flakes Completed Map by ArrowCinderFeather
- Underpants by toopgobo
Studios I'm Following
View all- Time Lapse
- «Quotes»
- End of the Decade
- Ash's fan club
- Danganronpa Fans Unite
- Pokemon
- this meme is beautiful and needs to be shared.
- 286 followers Q&A
- Make Alexander-Hamilton Blush, Laugh, Cry
- Alexander-Hamilton Fanclub!!!
- Prodigy
- Can we get 1K Managers And 2K Projects by 2021?
- Untitled Studio
- Raffle Tickets!!! (closed)
- I'm banned
- Jaiden Animations Fanclub
- Pokemon
- Scratch © Mobile Freindly Projects ✔️
- Day in the Life
Studios I Curate
View all- Danganronpa Fans Unite
- this meme is beautiful and needs to be shared.
- 286 followers Q&A
- Can we get 1K Managers And 2K Projects by 2021?
- Untitled Studio
- War of the Games (RP)
- Raffle Tickets!!! (closed)
- ANIMATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!
- Raffle Tickets!!!! (Closed)
- meet emma
- Logo and poster studio
- panic at the disco
- Meme studio
- UnicornCatGirlH Fan club
- how alike are me and you(read desc)
- Extinction Effect || Official Studio
- Comment For Follow-Can we get 1,000 managers??
- murderers of moon pack
- Valentines day
- Alligator Crop
View allFollowers
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