Scratcher Joined 9 years, 3 months ago Location not given
About me
je suis fort je suis cool
j'ai 9 studio j'ai 9 ans et je suis super
j'ai 3 amis goku7 amazingmario2011 et yoshirina et pour finir A1dan13 bref
What I'm working on
je joue a la scène de dragon ball z et de Sonicet je créer des jeux vidéo je vais vous montrer les jeux que j'aime le plus et mes projet favoris pour finir je suis yougota
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (67)
View all- loscom vs. cristofery by gohan2015
- bonne année 2016 by gohan2015
- Terminator scratch 2 by gohan2015
- terminator scratch2 (music) by gohan2015
- Patrick Hate's The Klasky Csupo Graffiti Logo remix by gohan2015
- vegeta vs zero by gohan2015
- Evil Goku goes SSJ3 by gohan2015
- super sayen 1 episode de dbz frezza by gohan2015
- dragon ball z - Gohan Angers remix by gohan2015
- Dragon Ball Z Game Vegeta vs Goku remix by gohan2015
- SPARKS LAND 3 by gohan2015
- Goku SSJ Dios VS Bills El Destructor. remix by gohan2015
- dragon ball super tainkaisi by gohan2015
- dbz warrior super by gohan2015
- Dragon Ball Z sprites remix by gohan2015
- Ultimate DragonBall2 bondes annonces! by gohan2015
- Mario God VS sonic exe part 2 by gohan2015
- goku vs evil goku version.2 by gohan2015
- Untitled-3 by gohan2015
- S. F. Animation #4 remix by gohan2015
Favorite Projects
View all- bonne année 2016 by gohan2015
- Digimon Fighter by clavier141
- Digimon Life Beta 0.1 by Digimonbets
- Future Trunks 3-D sprite by nanjappa2002
- Goku VS Sonic 2 (work in progress) remix by gohan2015
- broly super ssj2 vs bills by gohan2015
- super scène creator dbz and dbgt by gohan2015
- créer votre personnage lego by cardinalexis
- Goku SSJ Dios VS Bills El Destructor. remix by gohan2015
- dark knuckles sonic shadow vs ssj goku vegeta trunks by Thatguyoverthere69
- Shadow vs Vegeta by megafire452
- power level calculator remix by Goku-inuyasha
- Dbz Scene Creator (SSB Added) Fusion Update! by nssimmons11
- terminator scratch2 (music) by gohan2015
- Scratch Poop: The thing that scratch burped by scratcher654
- Terminator scratch (teaser) remix by liamque
- Terminator scratch 2 by gohan2015
- Terminator scratch (teaser) remix by Kira_RR
- Terminator scratch (teaser) remix by Killerwolfblue10
- Patrick Hate's The Klasky Csupo Graffiti Logo by nkreutzer
Studios I'm Following
View all- Dragon ball gtz super kai et sonic the hedgehog x
- Digimon Fusion Studio
- all my followers!!!
- Movie Voice acting
- scratch sonic mario dragon ball z
- We Bare Bears Studio
- Untitled Studio
- sprite battles and scene creators
- le rire de delire
- Studio CoderDojo Nijmegen
- Asphalt 8 Airborne
- laugh of dbz and sonic
- Ben and klasky csupo fans!
- Celebrity League Of Drama
- Sonic art - games - and fan comics and MORE!!!!
- movie jeux dragon ball et sonic et bleach et rire
- DBZ FANS UNITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- super ssj goku studio
Studios I Curate
View all- Hooligan Studio
- laugh of dbz and sonic
- pro de voitures et de scratch délire et dbz
- super ssj goku studio
- dbz club
- Dragon ball gtz super kai et sonic the hedgehog x
- scratch sonic mario dragon ball z
- le rire de delire
- fan club dragon ball gtz kai et sonic x the hegehog
- goku false studio dragon ball z super gtz
- dragon hedgehog z
- studio de dragon ball
- movie jeux dragon ball et sonic et bleach et rire
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