Scratcher Joined 6 years ago South Korea
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What I'm working on
스크래치로 작품공유를 하고있습니다.리믹스를 해서 좋은 프로젝트를 만들고 있습니다.(결론은 리믹스가 최고)초보자들도 쉽게 따라할수 있는 프로젝트도 진행 중 입니다.
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zxc12345678901가 악플을 계속달아요 ㅠㅠ zxc12345678901신고해야 되나...
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (30)
View all- 무서운 이야기 3편-(결말이...) by guntokbage77
- 고양이가 커졌어요(심심작) by guntokbage77
- 무서운 이야기 2편 by guntokbage77
- 팔로우 해주세요! by guntokbage77
- 무서운 이야기-1편(혼자 있을 때 보세요) by guntokbage77
- 클래시 로얄 파이어볼 챌린지/ Master of FireBall Game with Clash Royal Wizard remix by guntokbage77
- Scratch 3.0 is here! remix by guntokbage77
- Scratch Translate remix by guntokbage77
- See you later scratch 2.0... remix by guntokbage77
- Pen Platformer remix-2 by guntokbage77
- 착시현상(완전 신기)레알 꿀잼! by guntokbage77
- Cube Ninja ( story platformer game ) remix by guntokbage77
- Goodbye, 2.0 || a platformer remix by guntokbage77
- Pen Platformer remix by guntokbage77
- 마인크래프트 댄스! by guntokbage77
- MostCraft ( platformer in Minecraft ) remix by guntokbage77
- Year 3000 remix by guntokbage77
- Jack o' Spook remix by guntokbage77
- 멍뭉이대전쟁! by guntokbage77
- Scratch 3.0: Super Mario Galaxy Test remix by guntokbage77
Favorite Projects
View all- 무서운 이야기 3편-(결말이...) by guntokbage77
- Halloween jump by KSO3
- Knighty Fighty [DEMO] by Hobson-TV
- Dhilly's First 3.0 Project! by Dhilly
- 점프맵(jump map) by GRIMJA
- 마인크래프트 개잼 점프맵 by wizardsc
- My First Project, MFP by Hangwa
- 무서운 이야기 2편 by guntokbage77
- Rooftop by Apperture
- 착시현상(완전 신기)레알 꿀잼! by guntokbage77
- School Vs Home [100% Pen animation] by bidulule
- See you later scratch 2.0... by Bobwob_2909
- 지오메트리 대쉬 by guntokbage77
- 신기한 착시현상 by gyul0328
- 착시현상 -korea--2 by kimtom060421
- <착시현상 모음(한 번 봐보세요!!)> by hanjjangmagic
- Jack o' Spook remix by guntokbage77
- 마인크래프트 댄스! by guntokbage77
- MostCraft ( platformer in Minecraft ) remix by guntokbage77
- 멍뭉이대전쟁 v0.9.5 remix-3 by henceforth0906
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