Scratcher Joined 5 years, 7 months ago Vietnam
About me
What I'm working on
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (63)
View all- merge sort in scratch by heoheolon
- loudness visulizer by heoheolon
- Số đẹp. TP HN 2022 remix by heoheolon
- leggey by heoheolon
- Find number using mark array by heoheolon
- sieve algorithm by heoheolon
- fishy by heoheolon
- chat by heoheolon
- Scan and draw by heoheolon
- Happy birthday song but played by Scratch by heoheolon
- Saying each letter in a sentence by heoheolon
- Maze game by heoheolon
- Time by heoheolon
- Cat clicker game (simple) by heoheolon
- paint by heoheolon
- i don't know what this is by heoheolon
- circles by heoheolon
- direction by heoheolon
- draw triangle by heoheolon
- draw circle by heoheolon
Favorite Projects
View all- BATTLE ROYALE 4.7 by nguyenhm
- merge sort in scratch by heoheolon
- loudness visulizer by heoheolon
- Why? Scratch Team? by nguyenhm
- Smooth Movement Engine by ninjanibb
- Earth day virtual card by liaoep
- Spell-Crafter V1.6 by taxesjuicebox
- Flying Burrito(mobile friendly) by penguin688
- Ball Physics Scroll v0.4 by griffpatch
- leggey by heoheolon
- Spin ~ a game by Squidy-IceCream
- [HACKED] Cat clicker game (simple) by EZcheats
- A Bowl of Pen Fire by Starflower343
- DotGrid by adeoguntechno
- Test your intelligence #Games by hiephaha
- sieve algorithm by heoheolon
- L00P - A Time Manipulation Puzzle Game by ProfessorUelf
- Akinator on Scratch (ScratchAttach project) by 98129182
- Scratch User List by SuperDragonStudios
Studios I'm Following
View all- Curator TDQ123456 is hacked.
- Puzzle Party!
- New game: Views battle !
- Friends Club!(invite all your followers!!!)
- Stop Animal Cruelty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- SWORD Team vs SHIELD Team
- ⏭ Just Gun Game ⏮
- New Scrolling Platformer
- put yo stuff here
- Games Today
- WARNING: Add all projects
- (Don’t chast sus)
- Add All Your Projects !!!
- The chat Studio
- Roleplay the amazing world of gumball
- Action For Nature Preservation Petition!
- Creative studio (Please read the description)
- Christmas_Island want you to leave a comment here.
- Alex Studio
Studios I Curate
View all- Curator TDQ123456 is hacked.
- 100 followers Q & A
- Cute Cats
- my birthday was like a year ago or something
- Stop Animal Cruelty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- ⏭ Just Gun Game ⏮
- Platformer Games Studio
- New Scrolling Platformer
- put yo stuff here
- (Don’t chast sus)
- Friends Club!(invite all your followers!!!)
- jsab stuff
- Studio about friends and fans! (Follow Studio!)
- The chat Studio
- Roleplay the amazing world of gumball
- Action For Nature Preservation Petition!
- Alex Studio
- @menly123 OFFICAL Clans
- haha studio (khá ít project,mọi người add nhiều vào)
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