Scratcher Joined 4 years, 1 month ago United States
About me
BIG PROJECT COMING OUT. Delayed on scratch
What I'm working on
im more of the guy who makes random stuff instead of liking what i like so if ur a follower expect me to be making random post
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (50)
View all- Sage Dies (keiths universe vs jack- o-universe 3) by jackoscratch10
- My new logo (also name reveal) by jackoscratch10
- Haruto uhh having a seizure (also made this at school LOL I EVillll) by jackoscratch10
- Introducing Haruto by jackoscratch10
- NEW ANIMATION by jackoscratch10
- Zackeys Punch out Beta (rorschach update...) by jackoscratch10
- Boxing Episode 2 (Ali Albert Vs Colorey) by jackoscratch10
- Alternate Stage | Colorey by jackoscratch10
- cbb community episode winner! by jackoscratch10
- cbb community episode 7 (finale) by jackoscratch10
- ybb community episode 6 by jackoscratch10
- Introducing Slayer8274g by jackoscratch10
- Introducing Pedro by jackoscratch10
- (3 weeks reopen) Gimme ur OC and I’ll draw it remix by jackoscratch10
- cbb community youtubers episode 5 by jackoscratch10
- Noob vs Mario by jackoscratch10
- Me eating jalapenos be like by jackoscratch10
- squidWARD by jackoscratch10
- miss apple dance by jackoscratch10
Favorite Projects
View all- Street Fighter v1.3.8 by Dutycalls406
- Sunday Morning by Berricake
- Rainy Night (Mobile Friendly) | Platformer | #Games by OrigamiCrane-
- drop avatar creator by ladyrocksalot
- [NEW ENDINGS] MUG CAT - The Game by -PhantomAnimations-
- Interview with coolbe22 by naruto_arv
- Number 1 is cool by Awesomebabydude
- The Salsa Shack! by io8565
- squad game by bizzib
- whitty-fnf test by fnf_test_guy
- mom-fnf test by fnf_test_guy
- SPOOKEZ-fnf test by fnf_test_guy
- Homework by LawsOfScienceChanger
- Among Us Platformer - Mobile Friendly by Ushu10
- Who is more bad? by millyComedian4567
- BobbyF vs. ImMaximum - RAP BATTLE by ImMaximum
- Archmage vs. Noxspooth - RAP BATTLE by ImMaximum
- House by Bubbles_Official
- Kewl999 vs Epninja - RAP BATTLE by ImMaximum
Studios I'm Following
View all- Jack O Scratch's Favorite Games
- Awesomemandude friends and followers
- Follow my friend @FoxyArcher247 :D
- The Coolbe22 Fan Club!
- Bubbles_Official // fans // friends // followers ;)
- Plz see this project
- Can you plz check out my projects
- jackoscratch10 studios
- Legacy Games
Studios I Curate
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