Scratcher Joined 4 years, 8 months ago Poland
About me
Name | Janek |
Years | 11 |
Religion | † |
Favourite project | Cold shadow |
Favourite scratcher | @Griffpatch
Country | Poland |
City | Warsaw |
Favourite color | Green |
Best friend | @pey_pal
What I'm working on
Koniecznie sprawdź ten projekt
×F4F× to taki samolot
OC od: @Olidud05
Mój brat cioteczny to @ignasbobruk
Moja sowa to @Sowis_200
Daj śledzia, a ja go zjem :)
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (90)
View all- One-Armed Bandit v1.1 (Canadian version) by janek_m
- One-Armed Bandit v1.0 by janek_m
- RYTHM v1.0 by janek_m
- Car simulator (beta) by janek_m
- Ciąg Fibonacciego by janek_m
- Megalovania v1.0 by janek_m
- Interstellar main theme v1.0 by janek_m
- Scratch Kombat v.1.0 (turn-based version) by janek_m
- Scratch kombat trailer by janek_m
- Biplane simulator v.1.2 by janek_m by janek_m
- Karabin z pixeli SCAR by janek_m
- Add Yourself Waiting in the Elevator remix by janek_m
- Spider man: No way home by janek_m
- Segregacyjna zadyma the game by janek_m
- Guitar simulator by janek_m
- Getting Ready! by janek_m
- Hymn polski- prezentacja by janek_m
- Q&A by janek_m
- konkurs remix by janek_m
- zremiksuj to i wpisz siebieremixremixremixremixremixremixremixremixremixremixremixremixremixr… remix by janek_m
Favorite Projects
View all- One-Armed Bandit v1.0 by janek_m
- Elytra by Castle_Hippopotamus
- RYTHM v1.0 by janek_m
- Add Yourself Waiting in the Elevator remix remix by ignasbobruk
- Car simulator (beta) by janek_m
- Glock 19 3D Gun Simulater remix by janek_m
- Gra Janka: Ucieczka ze szkoły by janek_m
- smash the keyboard! by ignasbobruk
- łucznikot by ignasbobruk
- Scratch Kombat v.1.0 (turn-based version) by janek_m
- Drive V.1 #All #Games by yoshihome
- Scratch kombat trailer by janek_m
- Paper Minecraft v11.7 (Minecraft 2D) by griffpatch
- Biplane simulator v.1.2 by janek_m by janek_m
- karabin z pikseli by ignasbobruk
- Car racing by janek_m
- Animacja Janka: Among us część 2- vent by janek_m
- Spider man: No way home by janek_m
- Guitar simulator by janek_m
- Icon Creator 4.0 by ipzy
Studios I'm Following
View all- Bird People United! (B.P.U.)
- Sowy na scratchu
- Wszyscy polscy programiści
- Kursy polskich scratchersów
- Republika Polskiego Scratcha ⭐ RPS
- Wszystkie PeeMJoty
- Podcast informacyjny "4i"
- Dziennik Scratcherski
- Parodie reklam @ZombiakKraftPolska
- Pokemon studio
- Studio among us
- The ❣️ YouTube Studio
- Wszyscy Polscy Scratchersi
- Scratch Welcoming Committee!
- Manager Polska
- Scratcharia Servers
- studio 6i
Studios I Curate
View all- Space studio
- Wszyscy polscy programiści
- Rząd Polskiego Scratcha im. św. Jana Pawła II
- Amazing Food
- Kursy polskich scratchersów
- Kingdom Rush 2 jurz wyszedl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!xd
- Republika Polskiego Scratcha ⭐ RPS
- Podcast informacyjny "4i"
- Studio projektów z update'ami
- lukastaniak scroling platformer
- The Very Big Studio!
- konkurs
- Ninja - A Platformer by ROMANIADANI
- Moja Historia
- Studio piosenek sławnych piosenkarek/piosenkarzy
- @Julia_F_ już ma 100 śledzi!!
- Rysunki
- Studio among us
- The ❣️ YouTube Studio
- Manager Polska
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