Scratcher Joined 6 years, 8 months ago South Korea
About me
안녕하세요 저는 09년생/(남) kkiyum입니다.
What I'm working on
어느새 고등학생
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (100+)
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Where There's Smoke - There's Fire ‘Insane’ by kkiyum
야인 72(홍콩 97) 리메이크 버전 by kkiyum
새의 침공 by kkiyum
쥐 피하기 by kkiyum
다시 제작한 인트로 by kkiyum
충격엔진 테스트 by kkiyum
ppt자료 by kkiyum
777 by kkiyum
Add Yourself Waiting in the Elevator remix by kkiyum
T Ttt"H ᗩᗰ ★"ᗰㅌᒪT↓ᗰᒪ미 ㄹ ㅓㅅᖇᖇTS11001001000101010101 by kkiyum
2048게임 ★ by kkiyum
다크 '좀' 솁션 1.02 by kkiyum
CCTV디펜스 1.23 by kkiyum
사각형의 플랫포머 1.1 by kkiyum
아주 어렵고 성급한 주차게임 2탄 Parking Game 2 by kkiyum
검 강화하기 1.0 by kkiyum
자신만에 등급만들기 remix by kkiyum
프사변경 by kkiyum
크리에이터 키우기 1.02 by kkiyum
Find the "O" (insane) by kkiyum
Favorite Projects
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RUN 3 3D NO LAG #games #fun #trending #all by dillyd
Scratch Monopoly - The Scratch Edition! by PrinceMatthew9998
FLAPY BİRD ADVENTURE#games #all #trends by veysel06proo
contrails by keithbraafladt
Joke.bat by Gooodgis
Joke.Bat Reloaded V0.1.0 (WIP) // #games by TommoSeany
Need For Speed 3D: Hot Pursuit (PS1) by GL00B
Watermelon Games by ScriptSavantfou
Super Mario Bros. 1 Maker by BenjaminWins11
Where There's Smoke - There's Fire ‘Insane’ by kkiyum
Where There's Smoke - There's Fire by kriblo
Interstate Unleashed V1.3 by BRODUDECOOLGUY
Highway Hot Pursuit by Zepy
Car Game (200K VIEWS) by Zepy
Reactor Simulator V5.6.1 (Nuclear update) by gamergage532
sigma by soillcallhimsquishy
pokemon platformer by gomzaresu
100% Pen Rickroll ✒️ v1.2 by TimMcCool
Candy Crush by SohCahToa314
야인 72(홍콩 97) by hyunwoo111
Studios I'm Following
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Zzang Kirby's follower studio™️
J's F O R Studio
진우2638 팔로우 스튜디오 Jinwoo2638 Follow Studio
은숑 팔로워 스튜디오 / choscratch0227 folower studio
you decide you decide you decide you decide
평범한 스튜디오
d pㅏan 의 ㄷ ㅜㅣ!!!
[game studio] by @good____
essuwan Studio
진실말방(진실말방은 뭐임?) 들어오지마셈
프젝 절때 만드는 스튜디오
하얀떡 팔로워 스튜디오
A_Jinmo 부계정
maDU59_ fanclub and friends
Park3450 팬클럽 브론즈 라운지
Official KIKOKO_ Fan Club
망작프로젝트 올리기
"Stop What You're Doing"
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