Scratcher Joined 9 months, 2 weeks ago United States
About me
a little bit about me :) -----------------------------
am blind in my left eye
join #lewdyarmy
i am the f4f warrior
What I'm working on
macking lewdy lotion
Fan Art-✅
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (100+)
View all- MERRY CHRISTMAS -lewdylotion aka matias wassup by lewdylotion
- 4th fav yotuber hes name is blake by lewdylotion
- 3th fav yotuber hes name is iggy by lewdylotion
- 2nd fav yotuber hes name is riot by lewdylotion
- fav yotuber fan art hes name is druzer by lewdylotion
- ninja cat OC remix if it was me matias by lewdylotion
- Remix & sign if you agree remix remix remix remix by lewdylotion
- flipper by lewdylotion
- jimmy-bob cowgrazer codo fanta art by lewdylotion
- scratch match! remix by lewdylotion
- my log for a freand on hes ytou tube chanel by lewdylotion
- Shreck if he wows a human by lewdylotion
- a little note by lewdylotion
- Untitled-4 remix by lewdylotion
- unckle greggry tacks a laugh brake by lewdylotion
- Face rev remix by lewdylotion
- my oc name tiert by lewdylotion
- my ne logo by lewdylotion
- my new story: the peteyventures of petey and gill by lewdylotion
- my oc namer jermy by lewdylotion
Favorite Projects
View all- My friend and an awesome coder lewdylotion! by peachcheese21
- jimmy-bob cowgrazer codo fanta art by lewdylotion
- lewdylotion's oc namer jermy by raisincooldude
- FREE FOLLOWS by marolo920
- Untitled-4 by kyngcole1499
- ✪✪✪ Toy Story ✪✪✪ by atomicmagicnumber
- Duck clicker by eitanbuch
- ocean clicker v. 4.1 | by ihaveajet
- the guy by GdaySir
- My chirstmas day by gigamicker12
- I hae a Tiet by lewdylotion
- patrick if he was a human by gigamicker12
- Squish The Cat! by cocacolaespuma1465
- Face Reveal... by gigamicker12
- comic preview by peachcheese21
- Micker meet n greet say wassup in the comments by gigamicker12
- mickers life #1 by gigamicker12
- Scratch Olympics! by Bhachdi
- Remix & sign if you agree remix remix remix remix by RichardFrem
- Richard Frem: The Strory by RichardFrem
Studios I'm Following
View all- Grandma
- every project on the earth OF SCRATCH 24991 projects
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- Add Whatever
- Lewdy Lotion's Animations
- Lewdy
- Micker's FAN CLUB
- ToyStoryFan265's Follower Studio
- Popular Projects
- and unfollowing you
- Dragons unite!!
- Scratch Welcoming Committee!
Studios I Curate
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