Scratcher Joined 10 years ago United States
About me
I love Star wars that is my favorite movie
The Marvel Cinematic Universe is EPIC!
Love legos too!
What I'm working on
Trying to make more games and others
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (50)
View all- Helping with Conjugation-Grape Latin Game by lukesw01
- Awesome Comedy #4 by lukesw01
- Awesome Comedy #3 by lukesw01
- Why Scratch the Cat by lukesw01
- Jump scare by lukesw01
- I believe I can... WHAT!!!!! by lukesw01
- Sign If You Hate Dora! remix remix by lukesw01
- Save the princess (game) by lukesw01
- Star wars vs Bighero 6 part2 by lukesw01
- Add to my stuff getting wounded (REMIX PLZ!) by lukesw01
- Beating up owner of Ginger Bread house by lukesw01
- Awesome Comedy #2 by lukesw01
- star wars: hans death scene (spoiler) remix by lukesw01
- Automatic Bighero6 loading up his Armor by lukesw01
- funny lion king gif by lukesw01
- Star wars hockey by lukesw01
- Marry Poppins Grill by lukesw01
- The girls stunts by lukesw01
- Cloning cat game by lukesw01
- bees by lukesw01
Favorite Projects
View all- Music Mania #1 by bighero60
- The Scratch Song remix by ScratchCat-01
- Air Dodge (Official Nation of Unclean Game) by Nation_Of_Unclean
- Alan Turing by scratchmaster678
- Music Loops by Tommy100
- Scratch Cat's Adventure! by F18mjprenda
- Project Cave Escape by S18aztsuboi
- News by Tweetie5
- COMPLETED Seagulls MAP by QueenBub
- New Super Mario Bros. Wii For Scratch by Brad-Games
- Phenakistiscope by ivan321
- Donkey Kong by juwh
- The Hobbit- The Game-2 by lego_ninja
- Lightcube Platformer by firstject
- [3D]ボールころころ2 by s00384206
- Parkour Fail! by bear123bear456
- Tec OS 3 by Techno-CAT
- The Mysterious Ticking Noise- Potter Puppet Pals by TheGenius95
- LEGO STAR WARS MIX (1.2) by frcroth
- Circles adventure by bananajellyscrtach
Studios I Curate
View all- Support bighero60 and friends club
- Lukesw01 films
- The YAT International GAMING COMPANY
- coolgirls studio
- Films Or Movies!
- Awesome Games!
- Mary Poppins: miraculous ladybug
- YAT motion production
- You guys are da best
- 900,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000project record
- bighero60's projects and other people
- Mission Scratch!
- Land Of Food
- Apples!
- covers studio
- Star Wars
- Untitled Studio
- Star Wars
- Lukesw01
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