Scratcher Joined 5 years, 6 months ago Antarctica
About me
This was once a school account, but I now use it in my free time.
Activity status: revising old projects
What I'm working on
I work on projects in my free time during school.
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (49)
View all- Feather Fractal Explorer by magillt
- Newton Fractal Explorer by magillt
- Hyperbolic tilings V1.1 by magillt
- snowflake by magillt
- Mandelbrot and Julia Set With Orbit Trap by magillt
- Inverted Sierpinski Triangle by magillt
- Colored Image Fractals Using Chaos Game by magillt
- Maze generator remix by magillt
- Conway's Game of Life by magillt
- Turmite viewer by magillt
- Langton's ant V1.1 by magillt
- Buddy Toss V1.2 by magillt
- Ray Marcher: 3D Fractals in Scratch! by magillt
- 25 block dragon curve by magillt
- beach mandelbrot set by magillt
- Perpendicular Mandelbrot explorer by magillt
- What is going on lol by magillt
- Mandelbrot set explorer - strings by magillt
- infinite bulb fractal explorer by magillt
- polygonal fractal generator by magillt
Favorite Projects
View all- Feather Fractal (z=((z^3)/(1+((zr^2)+((zi^2)i))))+c) by khaledk13
- Feather Fractal Explorer by magillt
- Newton Fractal Explorer by magillt
- snowflake by magillt
- Hyperbolic tilings V1.1 by magillt
- Tower Defense - Nightmare mode by bcgtyr
- Mandelbrot and Julia Set With Orbit Trap by magillt
- Inverted Sierpinski Triangle by magillt
- Colored Image Fractals Using Chaos Game by magillt
- Maze generator remix by magillt
- Conway's Game of Life by magillt
- Turmite viewer by magillt
- Langton's ant V1.1 by magillt
- Ray Marcher: 3D Fractals in Scratch! by magillt
- 25 block dragon curve by magillt
- beach mandelbrot set by magillt
- Perpendicular Mandelbrot explorer by magillt
- What is going on lol by magillt
- Apollonian Gasket IFS Fractal by TeslaTech
- Mandelbrot set explorer - strings by magillt
Studios I'm Following
View all- Add any Mandelbrot Projects you have!
- Math is Fun!
- マンデルブロ集合の会
- Fractal Makers
- Fractals!!
- Chaos Games (Mathematics)
- Fractal Studio [Official]
- Math Art
- 3D Raycasting Tutorial
- マンデルブロ集合のコードを書き換えていろんなやつを作るスタジオ
- SHUT DOWN 80+ followers food contest
- Fractal Studio
- Math and fractals!!!!
- ADD YOURSELF........
- Let’s Make This The Most Popular Studio On Scratch!!
- Ball Projectile Physics Tutorial (YouTube)
- Virtual Fidget Toys!!
- Illusions
- Scratch Welcoming Committee!
- Tower Defense
Studios I Curate
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