Scratcher Joined 4 years, 2 months ago Canada
About me
Name: Captain Aron Ztirf (My One Piece OC)
Quirk: I TALK A LOTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Age: 19 (As my One Piece OC)
Birthday: 9/23
Pronouns: she/her (in character and when not)
Height: 5"9 (In character)
What I'm working on
Ummmmm....... I guess my animemes and my "Sign if you like...". U Know i weird
Also, join my One Piece RP and Other Stuff Studio!:
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (14)
View all- the top 3 things AnimatingMachine has said to me irl. by margopancake
- the top 3 things that WhyIsThisHappening- has said to me irl. by margopancake
- My Ai-Hoshino Drawing! by margopancake
- WhAt HaPpEnEd WhEn I tRiEd To GeT mY sIsTeR tO jOiN mY sTuDiO... ( ━☞´◔‿ゝ◔`)━☞ by margopancake
- Goodbye 2024! SO LONGGGGGG by margopancake
- Jars of Fears but it's One Piece - like grrah (Books 1-9 Edition) by margopancake
- Bubble Tea Maker by margopancake
- Sign if you like Luffy!!! by margopancake
- Black History Month! by margopancake
- Remix and sign if you love Eri!! <3 remix remix remix remix by margopancake
- My Jars Of Fear by margopancake
- Hyrule Warriors Music by margopancake
- Remix and sign if you like Zoro! remix by margopancake
- Add Yourself being sucked into a portal! remix by margopancake
Favorite Projects
View all- Sanji VS Zoro by Musicadam2013
- the top 3 things AnimatingMachine has said to me irl. by margopancake
- the top 3 things that WhyIsThisHappening- has said to me irl. by margopancake
- Chrismas PFP by Blueberry_Waffle10
- Sign if you like Luffy!!! by margopancake
- SPLATOON ART: SHIVER by splatoonkid22212
- Flappy Bird by sonic_6800332
- Sonic Mania by sonic_6800332
- Goodbye 2024! SO LONGGGGGG by margopancake
- #私はロボットではありません pvリレー2 by yatogamisan0414
- Countdown to 2025 #live by funkids1234
- Deathrow! || Meme Remix by F1sza3
- Cure For Me meme by yatogamisan0414
- Apps 2 - Platformer by diggerboy12
- Black History Month! by margopancake
- TROLLING platformer by covcheg008
- Duolingo on Scratch by Scratchfangs
- ⭐ ~Cotton Candy Creator!~ ⭐ by Nightblossom_
- Spotify - For Scratch (WIP) by Blueberrywaffles78
- When you accidentally press the off button and log back on: by Music_lover_01
Studios I'm Following
View all- Margopancake's Friends and Followers! (つ◉益◉)
- Fizzy’s Art Tutorials
- One Piece Fan Club/RP and other stuff.
- One Piece RP
- Sonic the Hedgehog
- Projects that you just have to see!
- ☘ [ animal crossing fans ] ☘
- the cool games
- ✰The Comic Studio✰
- ⚡ Chicken Mania
- Girls who love coding!!!!
- H1mePearl's chat room/ H1mePearlのチャットルーム
- Scratch Empires Minecraft Server
- Splatoon Projects Society
- we aren't weird, we're ✨unique✨
- madrid2030 fanclub
- -_-Music team >_<
- Follow
- What's Cooking?
- Path Finding Tutorial (YouTube)
Studios I Curate
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