Scratcher Joined 4 years, 6 months ago Ireland
About me
Thx so much for 170+ followers!F4F✅ Advertisements ✅ Studio invites✅
I'm 13 and I love animals, drawing and reading
What I'm working on
A Penguin Parallax
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (29)
View all- PFP for @Rainboweyed1 by neha41
- PFP for @Berriblossom by neha41
- PFP for @Rainboweyed1 by neha41
- PFP for @rareunicornswirl-- by neha41
- Platformer/Griffpatch E3 by neha41
- PFP for @BananaCreamPuff by neha41
- PFP for @TulipWolf by neha41
- Living Room Designer! by neha41
- My Rose Drawing! by neha41
- Curious Cat's Quiz! by neha41
- Halloween Whack A Ghost! by neha41
- To all healthcare workers, thank you. remix by neha41
- A Small Name Animation! by neha41
- REMIX THIS IF YOU WANT TO SAVE THE PLANET! remix remix remix by neha41
- My Climate Change Drawing! by neha41
- Sign if you are against PANDA POACHING! REMIX remix by neha41
- My Art! by neha41
- My first platformer! by neha41
Favorite Projects
View all- PFP for @Rainboweyed1 by neha41
- PFP for @Berriblossom by neha41
- PFP for @Rainboweyed1 by neha41
- PFP for @TulipWolf by neha41
- The journey of Brian the Colourful bear (INTERACTIVE)GAME by unicorn60209
- `Pen Motion Art by Hello3Rules
- Bird Watching by gamerel
- Pen Art - Serene Mountainscape by StevenTheSquare
- Design your own Treehouse! My Dyo contest entry! by SSugar0810
- Scream-a-run by rex_1345
- Flat Art - A Platformer by gameranya_321
- ー・ー MORSE ー・ー #games 【-Platformer × nazokoubou】 by nazokoubou
- Moonlight/月光 #games by S-1014
- Pointillism Flower Speed Draw by code-tvillinger
- Bunny•Colouring by cschmelitschek
- PAPER AIRPLANES by DogzAnimations
- My Exercises - Animation by groovy-girl
- If I were a good animator. by havenpianoboss
- there is always light <3 by ceebee
- [ .✦°+ ] "The hill we climb" pmv <3 by crazy-ish
Studios I'm Following
View all- Stop Climate Change NOW!!!
- In the Air
- Animation Ideas
- ✰Hevance's Friends!✰
- Art Requests
- The Book Studio
- ♡ Quotes ♡
- ~Drawing Academy~™
- Follow @jbromandude2! Pls! Free Follow!
- Translators
- ☼ the sunny side up ☼
- Anime Creator (Girls and Boys)
- 50 follower Logo contest entries
- Hi I might leave scratch for a while
- The Tortwich group (Tortoise sandwich)
- Creative Crafts/Arts !!
- Let's Spread Kindess Throughout The World
- Angelina's Beach Hut
- artist18-8 's STUDIO
Studios I Curate
View all- Stop Climate Change NOW!!!
- ✰Hevance's Friends!✰
- Art Requests
- The Book Studio
- I’d appreciate if you could check the project out!
- ♡ Quotes ♡
- ~Drawing Academy~™
- Follow @jbromandude2! Pls! Free Follow!
- Translators
- Hi I might leave scratch for a while
- Creative Crafts/Arts !!
- NEW ANIMATION!!: Unknown Phone Call
- artist18-8 's STUDIO
- Pls help Daniadaj453 get 100 followers
- Kitty Shop~~ Meow-tatistic Stuff! ~~ NOW HIRING
- Platformer Contest
- What in the world should I do for 150 followers??
- ⋙ My raffle (Pick numbers quickly!!) FULL
- ----The Team----
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