Scratcher Joined 10 years, 9 months ago United Kingdom
About me
this is an account dedicated to pewdiepie :P follow for follow please follow my other account @hotfuzz4ever and follow these awesome peeps @lollet247 and @cutehug8 !! any pewdiepie project ideas?
What I'm working on
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What I've been doing
Shared Projects (7)
View all- maya the pug! by pewdiepie_party
- the fabulizer!!! by pewdiepie_party
- 100 followers!!! *brofist* by pewdiepie_party
- Aint no party like a pewdiepie party!!! by pewdiepie_party
- add yourself as a barrell by pewdiepie_party
- sign if you love doctor who! remix by pewdiepie_party
- random pewdiepie facts by pewdiepie_party
Favorite Projects
View all- maya the pug! by pewdiepie_party
- the fabulizer!!! by pewdiepie_party
- Fabulizer Game! (PewDiePie) by barfly
- Give yourself a moustache! ={D by hotfuzz4ever
- 100 followers!!! *brofist* by pewdiepie_party
- brofist by dannyf41
- Aint no party like a pewdiepie party!!! by pewdiepie_party
- add yourself as a barrell by pewdiepie_party
- sign if you love doctor who! remix by pewdiepie_party
- pixel jump! a fabulous remix by hotfuzz4ever
- random pewdiepie facts by pewdiepie_party
- FLAPPY BIRD!!!! by hotfuzz4ever
Studios I'm Following
View all- goodbye
- scratch's back story rp *OLD*
- PatPat50's random art generator series
- old school stuff
- random idk
- Contest Studio
- Nintendo Nerds
- ♥☺☻☺♥☺☻☺♥☺☻☺♥
- Let's Try Goin' To 25,000!
- The Minecraft Studio
- Amazing Country Stuff
- Angry Batman
- Welcome to Scratch!!!
- Studio of Stuff!!! Add Please!!!
- Studio of Awesomeness!!!!
- Capitals and Wasington DC
- Tim36789's Fan Club:Everyone's A Manager
- emmet
- Minecraft Mates
Studios I Curate
View all- scratch's back story rp *OLD*
- PatPat50's random art generator series
- old school stuff
- random idk
- Contest Studio
- Nintendo Nerds
- ♥☺☻☺♥☺☻☺♥☺☻☺♥
- Let's Try Goin' To 25,000!
- The Minecraft Studio
- Amazing Country Stuff
- Angry Batman
- Welcome to Scratch!!!
- Studio of Stuff!!! Add Please!!!
- Capitals and Wasington DC
- Tim36789's Fan Club:Everyone's A Manager
- Minecraft Mates
- Hey bros
- Sonic Music.
- Bullying Prevention Studio (Stop bullying!)
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