New Scratcher Joined 1 year, 12 months ago United States
About me
I am a ww2 lover
I like Star Wars
I love Lord of the Rings
What I'm working on
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Shared Projects (35)
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Anti-aircraft fire! #Games#Flak remix by pjad
LOTR Armies Battle Fight by pjad
WW1 Music remix by pjad
501st Anthem - Star Wars remix by pjad
Battlefront Clone Commando 3D simulator remix by pjad
Clone Trooper Sprites remix by pjad
Clones vs droids V5.12 remix by pjad
15 republic commando memes remix by pjad
MINECRAFT RUN remix by pjad
World War Two Brung War, Hope, Honor, and Peace to the World by pjad
My Star Wars Lego build by pjad
Star Wars Clone Wars remix by pjad
WW2 D-day game remix by pjad
Maul Swinging Lightsaber by pjad
clone commado the untold missions remix by pjad
✿ WE WILL REMEMBER THEM ✿ remix remix by pjad
Dogfight WW1 hacked remix remix by pjad
SPW I - WW2 Tower Defence remix by pjad
WW2 remix remix by pjad
Clone Wars Battle by pjad
Favorite Projects
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ANTI-AIRCRAFT FIRE AA FIRE#Games#All#Trending#Recent#Popular#Animations#Tutorials by MitsubishiA6M3Zero
special forces troops!!!! by DA_B01S
War of The Colors v1.8 Beta by PlasmaMonkeyFanClub
WWII Sniper Battle Simulator difficult version by lebaanhquang
WW2 remix remix by pjad
WW1 Music remix by pjad
WW2 remix by hakernick
SCRATCH WARS - Episode 1 - V1.4 by Prof_Tecnologia
Captain Thorn music-video clip by _BuRiTtO_
Spaceship Battle Simulator by DeBoyoi
Classical Music Playlist by scratchuser13080
Clone wars battlefront 2 by Silverspiderman
Star Wars Battlefront V 3 by Coolaction
Star Wars Battlefront V 2.8 by Clonecommando2
WW1 Music by EvanD_Jefferson
Star Wars Ace Combat 5: Brethren by jcpbuilder
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