Scratcher Joined 9 years, 1 month ago United States
About me
it has been a long time, hasnt it
What I'm working on
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (90)
View all- get the key 5 levels by scratch_man33
- raycaster by scratch_man33
- characters (old project) by scratch_man33
- sorting v2 (insertion sort) by scratch_man33
- sorting algorithm (inverse bubble sort) by scratch_man33
- Baba is you(wip) by scratch_man33
- Multiplayer! by scratch_man33
- minimal blocks platformer by scratch_man33
- the ultimate lag tutorial by scratch_man33
- top down racing with perspective by scratch_man33
- sine without sine work in progress by scratch_man33
- missile command v1.1 by scratch_man33
- base-10 to base-2 translator by scratch_man33
- secretive platformer by scratch_man33
- Health/stat bar custom block by scratch_man33
- surround (A2600) with com (WIP) by scratch_man33
- space invaders frankengame version 2 by scratch_man33
- combat by scratch_man33
- fiv nigts t fredds sistr loction cstum nght by scratch_man33
- flappy parrot by scratch_man33
Favorite Projects
View all- Origin Of The Roundelie by GamerGirlEvalynn
- The Black Box by Flapjax404
- Dungeon Run 3D [2.0] by DANISON
- 15% by griffpatch
- Color Switch - Shoot by --Waterfall--
- Halo ODST: Left Behind Mission 3 by daves777
- -BreadMan-'s Terraria Bosses by -BreadProjects-
- Rock Simulator 2018 v.112e[ri3fhjmvhtchg by ROUGH-WEASEL
- Ore Miner v2.9 by AgentCNF
- ☁ Ultimate Game Creator 7 by Yllie
- Orbis | Castle by Hanzhe
- The Ninja 4 by Will_Wam
- Oudated Undertale Battle Engine by eekeekturtle
- Geometry dash songs by panbacklimboUFO
- True (Bullet) Hell by panbacklimboUFO
- The most annoying platformer ever by panbacklimboUFO
- Galactic Rush by Will_Wam
- YOUTUBE CLICKER! (NEW UPDATE) by MattcraftGaming
- Swag Tanks by Yllie
- Donut Clicker v by gigahumph
Studios I'm Following
View all- Incredible projects™
- doge team
- This Studio Fills you with Determination
- laen programming
- griffpatch appreciation studio
- follow to bring fnaf back to scratch
- 100 followers? Let's do this!
- The Scratch Team
- Remnants of an ruined studio...
- My followers
- Want Your Projects Popular? Put Them Here!
- fnaf games, fake versions, and remixes
- Spring-trap's followers!
Studios I Curate
View all- Thefireblaster27 studio
- The Unknown (Undertale fan battles)
- #charaprotectionsquad
- Rufflesdog's logo contest!!!(TUTLETAKEOVER WINS!)
- Platformers
- Simple but Big games
- My followers
- Platformer Studio
- the ultimate gaming studio
- funny stuff and music
- anyone can be a Manager just say so add stuff to 100
- only looking but you have a 50% chance to curat
- fnaf games, fake versions, and remixes
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