Scratcher Joined 6 years, 1 month ago United States
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (100+)
View all- bad dream cats rating by tansuper2000rises
- Gengar gets pokemon y and gets grounded by tansuper2000rises
- Gengar farts in class and gets grounded by tansuper2000rises
- Mcqueen's rating by tansuper2000rises
- Yeah! Reach for the sky by tansuper2000rises
- polory's rating by tansuper2000rises
- tansuper2000rises' easter rating stand by tansuper2000rises
- My Review on buddy thunderstruck by tansuper2000rises
- bad news by tansuper2000rises
- Mike and Sulley's Rating by tansuper2000rises
- TAWOT2000R Theme by tansuper2000rises
- Rowlet makes a Scratch account and gets grounded by tansuper2000rises
- mr game and dump Beats up Polory and Gets Grounded by tansuper2000rises
- tansuper2000rises opening bomb by tansuper2000rises
- rate me by tansuper2000rises
- PD21 gets Samus Gets Grounded Season 1 While Grounded by tansuper2000rises
- Game Over PD21 by tansuper2000rises
- PD21 Disturbs the Class and Gets Grounded by tansuper2000rises
- PD21 Gets in Dead Meat Again by tansuper2000rises
- my review on blues clues by tansuper2000rises
Favorite Projects
View all- Bouncin Kitty Disturbs the Class and Gets Grounded by arielmizrachigirl
- Should I come back to roblox anyway? by _BadDreamCat_
- 20th Century Fox logo murder by evil cat by CNfan21
- Jeanette Locks elenor in the closet & gets grounded by arthurreed
- Elmo Interrupts the Movie with the EAS/Grounded by JamesRock2013
- Scratch 3.0 is here! by ScratchCat
- Popplio calls the baby stupid and gets grounded by oliviaplude
- Verne watches Caillou, Grounded! by connor1990
- Bowser beats up Princess Peach and gets grounded by BrettTDDS
- MGM/UA Home Video (1993-1998) Logo Remake by scratchnic2008
- Elmo beats up Caillou and gets grounded (Re-Fixed) by JamesRock2013
Studios I'm Following
View all- Anti-matiasbmo Fan Club
- Evil Tepig Gets Grounded
- The Secret Life Of Pets Fanclub
- Pablo Gets Grounded
- Rachel The Bear Gets Grounded (Canceled)
- Scratch 2.0 Memories
- swat children thing (we did not think of a name yet)
- SMF Chuck And NullKai Gets Grounded
- Coding
- baddreamcatsuc gets grounded
- Killer Dog Gets Grounded
- MASBS Chuck E Cheese Grounded Series (CANCELLED)
- Mickey And Spongebob Show Fan Club
Studios I Curate
View all- Gengar gets grounded
- bad news
- Fangirls Cringe Comps & Redesigns
- The SarahBunnyLover593 Club!
- Who Loves Spongebob?
- Jurassic World Fanclub!
- The Sarah Gang!!
- The SarahBunnyLover593 Fanclub!
- Animation Memes!
- keth and brother discovery (season 1)
- keth and brother discovery voice actors needed!
- The Secret Life Of Pets Fanclub
- Sparta Remix Fans
- Dickey Mouse Gets Grounded
- Dora Gets Grounded
- PD21 Haters Club
- contest.
- i'm so sad right now
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