Scratcher Joined 10 years, 1 month ago United States
About me
just started this. hope you enjoy my studio and my friends studio.
What I'm working on
im working on projects to get them better
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (26)
View all- the beginning by trent2002
- Famous video games week contest by trent2002
- Untitlis awesome by trent2002
- Trent wins pixel art challenge week by trent2002
- 10 followers by trent2002
- Trents contest art by trent2002
- leo at the Drive Thru. by trent2002
- my followers here by trent2002
- 7 followers by trent2002
- random remix by trent2002
- move youre dot by trent2002
- freddy fan art by trent2002
- Sign Here if you're against Wolf hunters remix remix remix remix-2 remix by trent2002
- youtube symbol by trent2002
- My JACKSEPTICEYE fan art by trent2002
- box turtle by trent2002
- rio shoot out by trent2002
- hong kong virus by trent2002
- asdf product by trent2002
- daveys death by trent2002
Favorite Projects
View all- Nyah! by KJEKJE
- Untitlis awesome by trent2002
- Skateboarding by theultimateguy02
- Super-mix (minecraft) "Gangnam-fox" by BBananas
- Stick Fight! by COOLDUDE346
- Art machine of M.A.G.I.C. by BBananas
- Trent wins pixel art challenge week by trent2002
- Exosphere 2.1.1 by Zaptoe_Games
- Gravity Falls ART and me singing yay by innerstar312
- my followers here by trent2002
- 10 followers by trent2002
- leo at the Drive Thru. by trent2002
- Donny at the drive thru by Jeffanknife101
- Watched Pot Simulator by flun
- Solar System 4 by Sojourner555
- 7 followers by trent2002
- asdfscratch3 - asdfmovie scratchitized by comp09
- random remix by trent2002
- hong kong virus by trent2002
- 3D Rain by uiopscratch327
Studios I'm Following
View all- Terraria Wiki
- game studio
- Triangulum~ ƣɤƾɸɮʃ ɠƿ ϠѦɮƾԓ
- The Official Gravity Falls Fan Club!!!
- Crossy Road Fan club!
- Super Scratch Studio!
- Five Night's At Freddy's 3
- contest studio
- The Everything Studio
- Pokemon fan club
- Maze Game
- Create a Super Hero!
- YouTube fan club
- the jacksepticeye fan club studio
- best fan art
- all who been bullied for some thing they like club
- #1 Studio
- ASDF Movie animation Gallery
- XD
- asdf studio
Studios I Curate
View all- Senpai Cain's Otaku Army
- Scratch Island Season 1 Signups Studio
- Terraria Wiki
- Element Animation
- Ok, ok.. I WONT go!
- game studio
- My Studio (COOLDUDE346)
- Wide world of randomness
- Gravity Falls fan club
- Crossy Road Fan club!
- contest studio
- The Everything Studio
- Pokemon fan club
- YouTube fan club
- best fan art
- The custom fnaf and fnaf 2 character club
- Pixel Art
- asdf studio
- all who been bullied for some thing they like club
- villains are awesome
View allFollowers
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