Scratcher Joined 3 years, 9 months ago United States
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Shared Projects (24)
View all- EJECTED UTAU but L̸̨̨̨͈͍̻̥̦͙͚̼̅̿̐̍̄̌̈̽̍͛̄ǫ̸̡̻͇̮͍̹̥̝̹̏̋̀̂̀ṵ̵̜̜̮̹͕̞̻͖̟̩͍͒̋̓̃̕͘͠d̶̼̓̓͋ by tylerboiiisus
- FNF Lullaby Purin but L̸̨̨̨͈͍̻̥̦͙͚̼̅̿̐̍̄̌̈̽̍͛̄ǫ̸̡̻͇̮͍̹̥̝̹̏̋̀̂̀ṵ̵̜̜̮̹͕̞̻͖̟̩͍͒̋̓̃̕͘͠d̶̼̓̓͋ by tylerboiiisus
- Fnf death toll but L̸̨̨̨͈͍̻̥̦͙͚̼̅̿̐̍̄̌̈̽̍͛̄ǫ̸̡̻͇̮͍̹̥̝̹̏̋̀̂̀ṵ̵̜̜̮̹͕̞̻͖̟̩͍͒̋̓̃̕͘͠d̶̼̓̓͋ by tylerboiiisus
- (13+) Finale but Ľ̸͔̪̦̦̫͚̤̼͇̱͇̘̜̪̅͂͌̀ͅǫ̸̡̢͉̦͇̲̣͍̣͔͍̞̯̌͆̿̎̽͝ŭ̵͉̱͉͎̠̥̘̌̿́̇̔̕͜d̶̺̯̲̥́̽̀͘ by tylerboiiisus
- Defeat - VS impostor v4 but more than 3 misses kill by tylerboiiisus
- Minecraft Clicker V15.0 hacked (cancelled) by tylerboiiisus
- fnf Doomsday but L̸̨̨̨͈͍̻̥̦͙͚̼̅̿̐̍̄̌̈̽̍͛̄ǫ̸̡̻͇̮͍̹̥̝̹̏̋̀̂̀ṵ̵̜̜̮̹͕̞̻͖̟̩͍͒̋̓̃̕͘͠d̶̼̓̓͋ by tylerboiiisus
- vs expunged but i over charted it but slower by tylerboiiisus
- FNF: Contortion (Vs Badcoder) remix by tylerboiiisus
- Gun art by tylerboiiisus
- Minecraft Clicker V15.0 HACKED by tylerboiiisus
- Remix to Save Turtles! by tylerboiiisus
- FNF (Monochrome) vs GOLD hold notes added by tylerboiiisus
- FNF: Contortion (Vs Badcoder) with long notes by tylerboiiisus
- Hey Bully! Look over here! by tylerboiiisus
- I like ya cut g SOUNDBOARD but there is sonic.exe music by tylerboiiisus
- The Dumbest Man Alive Meme Template but it’s me and my friend, who makes funny memes by tylerboiiisus
- The Dumbest Man Alive Meme Template but it’s a fact about my friend, Logan. by tylerboiiisus
- FNF ∑GOD EATER∬ Playable remix by tylerboiiisus
Favorite Projects
View all- Double Kill metal cover but with the actual sprites by tylerboiiisusonpc
- Double Kill But it is the mod by ink_sans111111
- Double Kill Metal Cover by ink_sans111111
- Double Kill - Vs Imposter V4 - FNF - UnknownBf by UnknownBf7905
- FNF Double Kill With The Normal Song by LTHO123456789
- Friday Night Funkin' Lullaby Purin FULL kinda (13+) by zombieking24314
- (13+) Finale - FNF Vs Impostor V4 (TRUE) by UnknownBf7905
- MELTDOWN UTAU - Vs Imposter V4 by UnknownBf7905
- EJECTED UTAU - Vs Imposter V4 by UnknownBf7905
- Confronting your Nightmare PLAYABLE - Friday Night Funkin' by UnknownBf7905
- FNF: Imposter V4 - Danger by speedyblur22
- FNF: Imposter V4 - Finale (Update) by speedyblur22
- FNF: Imposter V4 - Defeat (Check notes) by speedyblur22
- Miner Cat 4 (Scratch version) by Coltroc
- Death Toll | Friday Night Funkin' Lullaby PLAYABLE by ItsTappyHappy
- Lost My Mind by Armaniplayz12
- Ejected - Vs Imposter V4 (FIXED) by UnknownBf7905
- Ejected- V.S Imposter V4 by NightmareCuphead123
- Finale - V.S Imposter v4 Black Week by NightmareCuphead123
- Breaking Point by UndertaleSans404
Studios I'm Following
View all- Fnf but Ľ̸͔̪̦̦̫͚̤̼͇̱͇̘̜̪̅͂͌̀ͅǫ̸̡̢͉̦͇̲̣͍̣͔͍̞̯̌͆̿̎̽͝ŭ̵͉̱͉͎̠̥̘̌̿́̇̔̕͜d̶̺̯̲̥́̽̀͘
- Imposter V4 Studio
- Gold's [NOT SO] Secret Hideout
- ~Art~
- Birb Island: Comic Series!
- Put your Last Breath games in here!
- Madness Combat
- Add all madness combat games
- Undertale Last Breath Projects!
- Undertale: Fanmade Battles
- FNF (Vs Imposter) Foundation X
- Populate Your Projects HERE!
- FNF || GOLDphoeniX
- friday night cringe
Studios I Curate
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