Scratcher Joined 1 year, 6 months ago United States
About me
am I a rookie now? i dont know..
I plan to have many different projects later on!
(no scratch that is ketchup)
I have made ????Tale
I'm gen alpha but not THOSE gen alphas
they disgust me (no offense)
What I'm working on
no i have not forgotten about ????Tale, i just have other ideas.
maybe i forgot about ????Tale- what what
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (100+)
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TIME PARADOX by username_11122
1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY!! by username_11122
ENDING TIME OCTET-User_12's Take-Phase 2.5 (SECTION 1)-NEVER LETTIN UP. by username_11122
ENDING TIME OCTET-User_12's Take-Phase 2-The NEVERENDING Fight. by username_11122
FICTIONAL Tau Ceti F Map (for little animations ill make) by username_11122
ENDING TIME OCTET-User_12's Take-Phase 1.5-But They Refuse by username_11122
ENDING TIME OCTET-User_12's Take-Phase 1-Universal Collapse by username_11122
R!G!KTT-Phase 1.5-Sins Held Within Man. by username_11122
UT:LB-REKINDLED FLAME-The Story by username_11122
Republic of Baja California by username_11122
Le OC's are fun by username_11122
R!G!KTT-Phase 1.25-Front Facing Terror, Leap Into INSANITY. by username_11122
Sans Sprite V7 (Work In Progress) by username_11122
PXR!G!KTT Titles by username_11122
R!G!KTT-Phase 1-Legacy Revived. by username_11122
Haha, get creepy pastaed by username_11122
KTD-Phase 5-The End. by username_11122
KTD-Phase 4.5-Reroll by username_11122
KTD-Phase 4-抵抗する者. by username_11122
KTD..?-Phase 3.5-Yet they arent dead. by username_11122
Favorite Projects
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Undertale last breath phase2 sprite animation !!(未完成) 6 by epasnoe_8216
Just Dodge & Dash: Infinite | #Games #All by XaosKing
2 Player Sans Fight by theluigiduck2
How to report correctly! #animations by IncognitoOrange
If UT Was Realistic Lamp Scene by Or1onsfire
I am Steve by Genaric_Alt_Account
day 13: same old, same old. by x-Chara-Dremmurr-x
"Rewind" down and relax [time paradox] by True_Genocide_Sans
[Stupiditydust] Means to an End v2 by AverageStup1d1ty
"Under the table 2: (Full ost.)" by LeGabrielGuy_1985
R!G!KTT-Phase 1-Legacy Revived. by username_11122
Haha, get creepy pastaed by username_11122
3D Planet Maker! by DadOfMrLog
DogePro Star Experience || V2.4 by PlayerDX
A Difficult Game About Climbing by Noffi9
Regretevator Incredibox - Regretebox by Tester12345876
Incredibox_ Gamebreaker (official Scratch port) by Expensive_Chb
Disbelief Papyrus Simulator but different by KingCool_Murple
fellswap emerald ( Potted animation ) by Potted_Pan
Escape Room! - At The School by aSmileyFaceSticker
Studios I'm Following
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ENDING TIME OCTET: User_12's Take!
creepy pasta but, uhhhhh/ solarballs humans fr/
Undertale Music Studio
Karmatic Time Dusted
Random fnf stuff
Greater! Karmatic Time Trio
[OFFICAL] ????Tale Studio
Karmatic Time Quintet
Undertale: Frankish Endings
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