Scratcher Joined 10 years, 6 months ago United States
About me
Slowly exiting Scratch.......but i'll leave my profile up so you can still play my old games :)
What I'm working on
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (85)
View all- Civil War Mario Mobile (PHONE VERSION) by wertyuiopo
- Civil War Mario by wertyuiopo
- Super Dan by wertyuiopo
- Drum machine by wertyuiopo
- Ghost in circles. by wertyuiopo
- Astreroids by wertyuiopo
- McGhost Neo by wertyuiopo
- Untitled-4U by wertyuiopo
- Uni-Pong-2 by wertyuiopo
- Ghost in squares by wertyuiopo
- ADVENTURE (Atari) by wertyuiopo
- Super Mario Bros (mouse platformer) by wertyuiopo
- Super Morio dude 2 (Dufus the cat) by wertyuiopo
- Octa-Pong by wertyuiopo
- Epsa-Pong by wertyuiopo
- Hexa-Pong by wertyuiopo
- Delta-Pong by wertyuiopo
- Una-Pong by wertyuiopo
- Uni-Pong by wertyuiopo
- Bi-Pong by wertyuiopo
Favorite Projects
View all- Super Morio dude 2 (Dufus the cat) by wertyuiopo
- Civil War Mario Mobile (PHONE VERSION) by wertyuiopo
- Civil War Mario by wertyuiopo
- west Virginia parody [ROBOT EDITION] by 23danedier
- freinds (new update) by MeTwo
- The Ninja of Dumbness 3 by wertyuiopo
- Black Veil Brides The Morticians Daughter by emoboy1212
- Loopery bruhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhs by Calvinball8
- Super mjh [fawful] by Calvinball8
- Bi-Pong by wertyuiopo
- Uni-Pong-2 by wertyuiopo
- PONG by Mamoud-09
- UnaLonaUni-pond frog (avb 1) by wertyuiopo
- PLayng POONG by SDfurby7
- Big Bird Craft by wertyuiopo
- Paracore 1.0 by wertyuiopo
- Maxa-Pong by wertyuiopo
- Brick-Out (Black-berry) by wertyuiopo
- Parkour-dash by wertyuiopo
- Super MEXICAN Guy in NEW YORK! by yoyoBoo3
Studios I'm Following
View all- Chisei International School 智成 국제 학원 (智成国際学園)
- FastTortist691 co. Click here for information.
- NEWT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Derp Productions tm.
- Quality-stop
- Untitled Y-O-Y
- The Unit (Mouse platformers/platformers)
- Orb 30
- AVB Station (ATARI)
- Pen Platformers
- ✎ Pen Gallery ✎
- United Studios of America
- scratch studio 2
- switch stop
- GameStop
- Deca-craft Studio
- Thou TROLLS Studio
Studios I Curate
View all- Chisei International School 智成 국제 학원 (智成国際学園)
- FastTortist691 co. Click here for information.
- NEWT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Quality-stop
- Untitled Y-O-Y
- The Unit (Mouse platformers/platformers)
- Orb 30
- AVB Station (ATARI)
- United Studios of America
- scratch studio 2
- switch stop
- Deca-craft Studio
- Thou TROLLS Studio
- Tara shield
- Zeinith-vydro tech.
- Iro studio
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