New Scratcher Joined 6 years, 11 months ago United States
☠♦☠♦☠♦☠♦☠♦☠♦☠♦☠♦☠♦☠♦~"I'm Jackson, and I'm a Vampire..."~"In Human year's im 17"~"Im use-ly shy around People, but i can't be a flirt if i wanted to be" smirks shyly~"I'm Bi.." blushes brightly
☠♦☠♦☠♦☠♦☠♦☠♦☠♦~" I'm Not taken by anybody" shrugs~" I have have Some things not to tell, you might find about soon" smirks~" crush ...I might...." blushes~"Nothing Down Here"