Sorry Joe, This Time You Got It Wrong

October 21, 2007 by · 2 Comments

I have always liked Joe Torre – admiring his class and his style.And, like most followers of the game, I have never liked George Steinbrenner.But, at his press conference on Oct. 18, Joe got it all wrong.St. Joe did not come across as a martyr to me.He came across as a tired old man who had lost touch with reality.Just for the record, I am older than Joe and a native New Yorker who has followed the game for more than 60 years (and I am not a Yankee fan).

It appears that Joe believed his press clippings and the nonsense that the New York media has been feeding him.He chose to wallow in self-pity as he explained why he turned down a perfectly reasonable (even generous) offer from the Yankees to manage for one more year.To call a five million dollar offer with three million more in incentives (more than any other manager makes) an “insult” is to have lost all perspective and to have forgotten that baseball is a business.

This is not an issue of whether Joe has been “successful” or “not successful” as manager of the Yankees (although there can be two sides to that argument also).Rather it is a case of business economics.

The mistake that the Yankee brass made was when they gave Joe his previous contract.To pay any manager more than twice as much as any other manager is absolutely ridiculous.For Joe Torre to have received seven and a half million in 2007 was crazy.For Joe Torre to believe that he was “worth” that much money was self–delusion.

If Joe Torre did not want to manage the Yankees in 2008 for any reason, he should have said so and taken his shots and walked away with his head held high.That would have shown the class for which he has become famous.But to suggest that the Yankee offer was an “insult” is a classic example of ingratitude and of “biting the hand that feeds you.”

I still like Joe Torre.And I wish him well.But he definitely made a mistake this time .


2 Responses to “Sorry Joe, This Time You Got It Wrong”
  1. Keith Wyrick says:

    The thing is, mistake or not, the Yankees did pay him 7+ million for the year. Torre brought the Yanks to the playoffs for the 12th straight year, and for that, they wanted to cut his pay. It IS an insult to do that. Better to have simply said, “Joe, thanks for the hard work but we want to go in a different direction.” That would have been perfectly reasonable and acceptable. Just from my own experience, I would rather be let go than have my salary reduced. Pride, stubbornness, whatever you want to call it, that’s just the way I feel about it. And I’m guessing Joe felt the same.

    By the way, I read and enjoyed your excerpts on the site. I wasn’t surprised to see Maddux rate so high — as a Braves fan, I got to enjoy watching him in his prime. From a purely subjective perspective, I’ve never seen better pitching than the Mad Dog of the 90s. May he win 400 games before he hangs it up.

  2. Mike Hoban says:


    Thanks for the note. I do not expect many fans to agree with me re Torre because he is a much-loved figure (even by me).

    I was a bit surprised by Greg Maddux making it into the Top 10. But the numbers do not lie!!


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