South Pleasantburg Nursery

News & Events

Everybody wants more, right?

It seems like in these modern times there is never enough of three things:

  1. Money
  2. Time
  3. Technology

We can’t help you with the money part, but we CAN help you with number two and three. 

Save Time:

Plan ahead and get ideas before you begin your adventure to the nursery. By having a clean train of thought and perhaps a list we can guide you rapidly through our aisles and have your cart full of the perfect plants for your situation. Not only do we save you mental time, but we also save you travel time. By being conveniently located right on South Pleasantburg Drive off of the interstate, you don’t have to drive all over town hunting for the gardening supplies you need. We’re a full service nursery -we have it all!

Technology Is Your Friend, Ours Too:

Of course, by being on this page you already know we have a website (duh!), but did you know we also have a Pinterest page that is full of fantastic snapshots, candid staff outtakes and inspirational pins from around the internet. We’d love to have you follow us on Pinterest and even help contribute. We’re all about sharing and caring. Click below to check it out, and please follow us!


We also have an active Facebook page! Not only do we do special “Friend Only” events, but every once in awhile we throw a little special sale your way. We love when you interact with us, it makes us know that gardening is on your mind! Find inspiration from both of these sites and make sure you follow us in person too! The best way to be in the know is to be in the area. Stop in soon and check out all the exciting new arrivals, and potentially find yourself smack dab in the middle of an inspirational moment by our pond!

Find Us, Like Us, Love Us

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