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Jen Psaki (AP Images)

Former Biden Press Secretary Insists Democrats Don’t Favor Late-term Abortions  

“No one is rooting for late-term abortion. No one is running on the platform of aborting viable babies…. Not Joe Biden, not Kamala Harris, not Hillary Clinton, not Nancy Pelosi, or any other politician demonized by the right-wing, roots for late-term abortions.”

Former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki now hosts Inside with Jen Psaki on MSNBC. She completely ignores the Democratic Party’s 2020 platform, which has no limits on abortion and continues to seek taxpayer-funded abortion by pushing for congressional repeal of the Hyde Amendment.

Former Clerks Defend Clarence Thomas for His “Unimpeachable” Integrity 

“Different paths led us to our year with Justice Thomas, and we have followed different paths since. But along the way, we all saw with our own eyes the same thing: His integrity is unimpeachable. We are proud to have been his clerks and to remain his friends. And we unequivocally reject attacks on his integrity, his character, or his ethics.”  

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