What Really Happened January 6
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What Really Happened January 6

To the Biden-Pelosi Democrats and their Fake News enablers, questioning the 2020 elections must be equated with treason, sedition, insurrection, domestic terrorism, and white supremacy. ...
William F. Jasper
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

On January 6, 2021, President Donald Trump held a Stop the Steal rally on the Ellipse near the White House, as Congress gathered at the Capitol to count the electoral votes and officially announce the winner of the November 2020 presidential election. In his speech, the president told his supporters, “I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.”

While President Trump was still speaking, a couple thousand of the rallygoers had already broken away from the event and had gone to the Capitol. A raucous mob of a few hundred of these rally participants, breaking through barricades and police lines, stormed into the Capitol. These hooligans, who battled with police, vandalized government property, and interrupted the electoral proceedings, were definitely not behaving “peacefully and patriotically,” as President Trump had directed.

Was this a case of President Trump saying one thing publicly to the main rally, while having secretly given directions to others to engage in violence? That is the conspiracy theory being advanced by the Democrats and their media choir. That is the conspiracy theory being “investigated” by the virulently anti-Trump House January 6 Committee set up by Speaker Nancy Pelosi (see the article on page 23). And these conspiracy theorists, we might point out, have amassed about as much evidence to support this conspiracy theory as they did for their conspiracy theory of “Trump-Russia collusion” — which, if you recall, was zero, nada, zilch.

An alternative explanation to this Democrat/media conspiracy theory is that the small subset of the rally attendees who breached the Capitol were rowdy yahoos who allowed themselves to be amped up and led into criminal misdeeds by federal agents provocateurs whose very purpose was to create an incident that would be exploited to discredit Trump, his movement, and all who oppose our deadly lurch toward totalitarianism. The media “fact checkers” claim to have debunked all evidence pointing to agents provocateurs , but as our article on page 16 shows, they are gaslighting us again: “Move along, don’t pay any attention to these inconvenient facts.”

In the year that has passed since the “insurrection” at the Capitol, we have been subjected to an incessant bombardment of media hysteria and Democrat hyperventilation over the four-hour fracas. Instead of simply prosecuting those participants for whatever crimes they committed, the political powers-that-be are determined to turn it into a weapon with which to bludgeon conservatives and use their January 6 propaganda to transform our Republic into a police state.

They have no intention of letting up. The editorial board of the New York Times ,the leading media voice of the Deep State globalists, tells us that “Every Day Is Jan. 6 Now.” That was the title of their lead editorial on January 1, 2022, as the first anniversary of that “Day of Infamy” approached. “Our political life seems more or less normal these days,” the Times editorialized, “but peel back a layer, and things are far from normal. Jan. 6 is not in the past; it is every day.”

That’s right, we must be reminded of “the once-unthinkable trauma of Jan. 6” not just periodically, but “every day.” So, even though opinion polls show most Americans are not interested in the Democrats’ efforts to turn January 6 into yet another “investigation” attack on Donald Trump, the Democrat/media cabal is pushing ahead with it nevertheless. However, it is not simply Donald Trump, his inner circle, and those who actually participated in the Capitol riot who are the targets of the media wolf pack. In the editorial cited above, the Times chillingly reveals that it is “regular citizens” whom it sees as the “existential threat” to our Republic. You know, those dangerous people who challenge obvious election fraud and dare to insist that voters should prove who they are by showing identification when they vote.

“It is regular citizens who threaten election officials and other public servants, who ask, ‘When can we use the guns,’ and who vow to murder politicians who dare to vote their conscience,” the Times darkly warns . “It is Republican lawmakers scrambling to make it harder for people to vote and easier to subvert their will if they do,” the editorial screed continues. “It is Donald Trump who continues to stoke the flames of conflict with his rampant lies and limitless resentments and whose twisted version of reality still dominates one of the nation’s two major political parties.”

“In short,” says the Times editorial collective, “the Republic faces an existential threat from a movement that is openly contemptuous of democracy and has shown that it is willing to use violence to achieve its ends.” The Times is not alonein sounding this theme; its dangerous message is echoed throughout the liberal-left Fake News mediaverse. It is the same dangerous repeated message that prepared the ground for Merrick Garland’s Justice Department to issue its memo intimating that angry parents who reproach school officials for indoctrinating their children in LGBTQ propaganda or Critical Race Theory will be subjected to FBI investigation as domestic terrorists. It is the same messageing that prepared the ground for FBI officials to issue dark warnings about the evil specter of “white supremacy,” “white nationalism,” and “domestic extremism” as the nation’s top security concern.

“White Supremacists” & “Domestic Terrorists”

In this media-heated atmosphere, left-wing politicians are emboldened to run wild with accusations of white supremacists and seditious traitors under every bed. One needn’t to ever have worn the Klan’s bed sheets (as Democratic Klansmen Senator Robert Byrd and Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black infamously did) or even to ever have embraced or enunciated any racist ideas to be label-lynched as a “white supremacist” these days. “White supremacist” has become one of the all-purpose smear tags — along with racist, fascist, conspiracy theorist, misogynist, xenophobe, homophobe, Nazi, etc. — that desperate and dimwitted “progressives” promiscuously apply to anyone who deviates from the current politically correct dogma.

“On Jan. 6 came the white supremacists,” declared Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank, slandering the entire body of Americans who assembled in Washington, D.C., to exercise their rights to speak and peacefully assemble, as guaranteed in our Constitution.

Representative Cori Bush (D-Mo.), a Black Lives Matter activist and now one of the new stars of Congress, endlessly blows the “white supremacy” dog whistle to incite her fellow Democrats. “If we fail to remove a white supremacist president who incited a white supremacist insurrection, it’s communities like Missouri’s first district that suffer the most,” Bush said during her House speech in support of Trump’s impeachment on January 13, 2021. “The 117th Congress must understand that we have a mandate to legislate in defense of black lives, the first step in that process is to root out white supremacy starting with impeaching the white supremacist in chief.” The January 6 riot was not just an “insurrection,” you see, it was a “white supremacist insurrection.” And impeaching the “white supremacist in chief” would only be the start. The Democratic National Committee, the radical Democrats in Congress, and their media enablers are so fearful of the retribution they face at the midterm polls this November that they are desperately trying to expel pro-Trump Republicans from Congress before the elections on grounds of sedition, treason, and insurrection. And they are also going after Republican office-holders at the state level, as well as Trump donors and activists. 

As the newest member of “the Squad” in the House, Representative Bush introduced her first piece of legislation, House Resolution 25, to “investigate and expel those Members who worked to overturn the results of our democratic election; those whose Trump-driven lies incited the attack.” She specifically charged “Representatives Boebert, Cawthorn, Greene, Gohmert and Biggs” for “their extensive participation in strategizing ahead of the attack.” According to Bush, “these same members continue to advance a racist electoral effort to invalidate the votes and voices of black, brown, and indigenous voters.”

“One year later,” Bush said on January 5, 2022, “I am doubling down on my call to hold these insurrectionist-abetting white supremacists accountable for their roles on January 6th, 2021.” Not to be outdone by a newcomer, veteran radical Representative Maxine “Mad Max” Waters (D-Calif.) condemned President Trump for “radicalizing his supporters” and “inciting them to willingly join with white supremacists, neo-Nazis and para-military extremists in a siege of the United States Capitol building.”

“Treason” & “Traitors”

Another radical conspiracy theorist, Ruben Gallego (D-Ariz.), has charged that there’s “a slow-moving coup that is happening right now all over this country that [is] led by the Jim Jordans, and you know, other people.” He is referring, of course, to Representative Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), a leading nemesis of Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, and the House Democrats. “Jim Jordan is a traitor,” Gallego exclaimed during an interview on MSNBC. “He’s a traitor to the Constitution of the United States.”

Representative Gallego told MSNBC (which vies with CNN for the title of Conspiracy Theory Central) that “election denialists” are now trying to win state and county legislative seats “so they could actually overturn the future election.”

“So the coup is ongoing,” Gallego avers. “The traitors are still there, and they’re going to continue to try to destroy our Constitution every opportunity they have.”

Media lefties who have been gunning for Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas since he was nominated in 1990 have attempted to get to him indirectly by trying to tie his wife, Ginni Thomas, to the January 6 “coup” attempt. “Ginni Thomas Supported the Capitol Insurrection,” declared the Daily Kos in a headline for January 9, 2021. Yahoo! News carried this deceptive headline: “Clarence Thomas’ wife supported rioters before siege: ‘Love MAGA.’” Whoopi Goldberg got into the act on ABC’s The View , declaring that “sedition means going against the United States of America.” She then went on to charge, “Somebody needs to say that to Clarence Thomas’ wife, who was also giving them, you know, what’s the word — aid and comfort — this is treason!” The truth of the matter is that Ginni Thomas merely expressed support for the rally , not the “rioters.” But such is the toxic rancor of the mediacrats that any expression of MAGA alignment is sufficient cause to unleash the smear machine.

Caught up in the treason-hunting fervor, some Democratic officials were unwilling even to wait for DOJ indictments or the January 6 Committee “investigation” before taking action against the “traitors” and “terrorists.”

“The deeply disturbing events that occurred at our nation’s Capitol on January 6th were sedition, treason, and domestic terrorism — and those individuals involved in the insurrection must be held accountable for attempting to subvert our democratic process,” Florida Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried declared in a press statement on July 27, 2021. The Sunshine State’s only Democrat holding a statewide office, Fried’s announcement carried newsworthy weight because in Florida the Ag Department is the agency in charge of concealed-weapon permits. And Commissioner Fried made it known that she will wield this weapon against “these traitors.” 

“I just suspended the concealed weapons permits of 22 people involved in the insurrection against the United States of America instigated by Donald Trump on January 6, 2021,” she crowed in a July 27 tweet.

In an October 19, 2021 tweet, Fried went further: “Today I’m announcing the suspension of six [gun] licenses of domestic terrorists who participated in the January 6 insurrection attempt against the United States. That brings our total to 28 suspensions. As more charges are filed, we will continue to hold these traitors accountable.”

Note that Commissioner Fried, who has announced she will be running against Governor Ron DeSantis in November, is not the least troubled with due process. In fact, she jumped ahead of Attorney General Merrick Garland and the U.S. Department of Justice in labeling participants in the January 6 melee as terrorists and traitors. Not as “alleged” terrorists and traitors, mind you, which is a courtesy and legal distinction accorded to even the most hardened recidivists accused of crimes, including, of course, the thousands of BLM/Antifa insurrectionists who burned, looted, and terrorized more than 100 cities.

Have attorneys for the ACLU or civil libertarians in the press corps called out Fried for criminalizing, convicting, demonizing, and penalizing Floridians who were at the Capitol on January 6 as “terrorists” and “traitors”? 

Dissent Becomes Treason

We have reached an extremely perilous point in American history. An immensely wealthy oligarchy — the Deep State, if you will — that controls both the media and the party now wielding power over our government is ever more openly moving toward raw despotism. Those who stand athwart their grasp for total power are being subjected to reputational destruction as traitors, terrorists, and white supremacists, in preparation for criminal prosecution. The Pelosi-Schumer Democrats and their media allies are purposely conflating challenges to the 2020 election with the Capitol siege, charging that Republican claims of election fraud are lies, and that those promoting these “lies” were knowingly, willfully engaged in an “insurrection” or “coup” against the United States. The charges are as patently ludicrous as were the debunked Trump-Russia conspiracy theory, the Trump-Ukraine conspiracy theory, and the other nonstop conspiracy theories that the Deep State cabal and their Democrat fronters have been employing for the past five years. 

The Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee (DLCC), an arm of the Democratic Party, is targeting Republican state legislators who supported Trump’s Stop the Steal effort. Politico reported last October that the DLCC has “identified 21 Republican state legislators who took part in the events of Jan. 6 and several hundred who called to ‘stop the steal’ or overthrow the 2020 election.” The DLCC set up an “insurrectionist” tip line and called on all “insurrectionists” to resign from office.

It should not be necessary to point out that charging fraud in an election and/or challenging electors is not only legal and completely constitutional, it is also something that partisans on both sides of the aisle have been doing with metronomic regularity. Yes, as we point out in the accompanying sidebar on page 14, Democrats have engaged in the same “treason” of charging election fraud and challenging electors. In fact, the last three times a Republican has been elected president (Trump in 2016 and George W. Bush in 2000 and 2004), Democrats have challenged electoral votes.

A Washington Post article about the House January 6 Committee last December by Jacqueline Alemany and Tom Hamburger revealed what was obvious even before their “revelation”: The Democrats and their media cohorts intend to saturate “news” coverage of the January 6 “treason-sedition-insurrection-coup-terrorism” all the way to the November elections. “The rough timeline being discussed among senior committee staffers,” the Post reported, “includes public hearings starting this winter and stretching into spring, followed by an interim report in the summer and a final report ahead of November’s elections.” 

It is the same strategy they followed with the Mueller “investigation” and the many other faux investigations during Trump’s term in office: Pretend that you have damning “smoking gun” evidence, and dribble out a steady stream of leaks to friendly media for sensational, damaging stories that later turn out to be fraudulent nothingburgers.

The entire media lie machine — CBS, CNN, ABC, PBS, NBC, NPR, MSN News, Bloomberg, Yahoo! News, Associated Press, et al. — apparently has adopted the New York Times directive that “Every Day Is January 6 Now.” A recent search on Google for “January 6 riot” yielded “About 217,000,000 results.” A search for “January 6 insurrection” brought up “About 30,300,000 results.” Obviously, we haven’t read the more than 200 million articles on January 6, but we have read enough to state with confidence that the vast majority of these stories originating in the major media are peddling the same “existential threat” narrative. The strategy is not only to stoke the fears of a Trump coup threat to “our democracy,” but also to crowd out and drown out the many other inconvenient stories that could threaten Democrats in November: Joe Biden’s border/migration debacle and his secret flights of illegals into the American heartland, Joe Biden’s Afghanistan catastrophe, our economic downturn and massive inflation, Hunter Biden’s laptop, Joe Biden’s cave-ins to China, Joe Biden’s cancellation of the Keystone XL pipeline while giving a green light to Putin’s Nord Stream 2 pipeline, and much more.

Hypocrisy Unlimited:When Vote Challenge Becomes Sedition

Radical Democrats in Congress have called for the investigation and expulsion of Republican members of Congress for supporting President Donald Trump’s “lies” that the 2020 presidential election was “stolen” due to massive election fraud. Challenging the election, we are told, is the equivalent of sedition, treason, coup, and insurrection. But the very Democrats who are most vociferous in denouncing Republicans over accusations of election fraud have themselves made the same charges in the past. Over the past two decades, Democrats challenged Republican victories in the presidential elections of 2000, 2004, and 2016, when the Electoral College votes were tallied in 2001, 2005, and 2017. In 2001 and 2017, the challenges went nowhere because the House members could not find a Democratic Senator to support their objections to the count. In 2005, however, 31 members of the House, together with Senator Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.), attempted to overturn George W. Bush’s victory over John Kerry by objecting to Ohio’s electoral votes. 

Representative Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) said the vote had been “stolen.” Senator Boxer’s support caused both houses of Congress to go into two-hour debate sessions on the matter. The effort ultimately failed, by votes of 267-31 in the House and 74-1 in the Senate.

Critics of Trump and his congressional supporters point to Hillary Clinton’s concession to Trump following her 2016 loss. However, she later backtracked and repeatedly claimed that the vote had been rigged. During her 2019 speaking tour, Clinton said the 2016 election had been “stolen” from her by Trump. She also referred to Trump as an “illegitimate president” and a “puppet of Putin.”

Now, however, it is treasonous to challenge the “sacredness” of our elections.

William F. Jasper is senior editor of The New American