15:35 PM

UHCL offers certification prep course for human resources manager

University of Houston-Clear Lake's Center for Executive Education in the College of Business is announcing a partnership with the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), enabling community members to prepare for the certification exams to become a SHRM-Certified Professional or SHRM-Senior Certified Professional.

Due to restrictions necessitated by the COVID-19 pandemic, the SHRM certification prep course will be available online Tuesdays from 6-9 p.m. from Feb. 2-April 27. After restrictions are lifted and in-person instruction is again possible, UH-Clear Lake and the College of Business will host the classes on campus.

"Till now, the only way students could take these courses was to commute downtown to Rice University," said CEE's Project Manager Brenda Guerrero. "Now that we have this partnership, we're able to make these courses more accessible to students and professionals in our area as well."

Guerrero added that this professional distinction could be a professional game-changer. "It sets you apart from others, keeping you and your organization competitive in today's economy," she said. "The credential makes you a recognized expert and leader in the field of human resources, and a valuable asset to your organization."

The class will be instructed by Quorum Software's Senior Director of Human Resources Elizabeth Wojtowicz, who is actively involved in SHRM both locally and nationally. She joined the SHRM Board of Directors for the Texas Bay Area in 2014 as college relations chair, and she is responsible for reinstating the student chapter of SHRM at UHCL.

"Elizabeth is passionate about human resources and helping students advance their career, and that's why she's facilitating this SHRM certification preparation course," Guerrero said.

Register for classes online. For more information, contact Brenda Guerrero at guerrero@uhcl.edu .