16:46 PM

UHCL's Spring 2024 Commencement celebrates success and resilience

Written by: Lauren Sawyer
UHCL grads with President Richard Walker.

University of Houston- Clear Lake’s (UHCL) marked a momentous occasion with its Spring 2024 Commencement, where over 1,100 graduates gathered to celebrate their achievements. The day's events were organized by college, starting with the College of Business and the College of Education at 10 a.m., and concluding with the College of Science and Engineering and the College of Human Sciences and Humanities at 3 p.m.

UHCL President Richard Walker opened the ceremonies with congratulatory remarks, e mphasizing the significance of the graduates' accomplishments.

“Your degree symbolizes more than a mere accolade. It marks both the conclusion of one journey and the commencement of another,” said Walker. “As you step into the future, let your belief in your potential and your dreams guide you. They have led you to this remarkable achievement and will continue to be your compass in a world that awaits your leadership and successes."

The event celebrated graduates from various backgrounds and disciplines, recognizing their shared experiences and the bonds formed during their time at UHCL.

Student speakers Alexis Staropoli and Lisset Fernandez Navarrete delivered powerful messages to their peers at the 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. ceremonies, respectively.

“Let’s carry forward the lessons of UHCL, not just in what we've learned, but in how we’ve learned to face challenges head-on and emerge stronger,” said Staropoli. “Wear your confidence like you wore your student ID—proudly and occasionally, a little too visibly. Approach the future not just as a chance to succeed, but as an opportunity to redefine what success means.”

Fernandez Navarrete reflected on the triumphs and tribulations that shaped the class of 2024, including attending college during the pandemic and rebuilding connections.

“Together, we have navigated through uncertain times and came out stronger and more resilient than ever. It is this resilience that will carry us forward into the next chapter of our lives, ready to face whatever challenges may come our way,” she said. “I leave you with this challenge: go forth with passion, purpose, and a commitment to leaving your mark on the world. The future is ours for the taking.”

Special recognition was given to doctoral graduates during the ceremonies. The College of Education honored 21 students who completed their doctoral degree requirements, while the College of Human Sciences and Humanities recognized two students.

In a heartfelt moment, during the 3 p.m. ceremony, Shasta Cheyenne Blackerby Netter was posthumously awarded a Bachelor of Science in Anthropology . Shasta tragically passed away during her final term before graduating.

“Shasta's unwavering dedication to her studies and her vibrant presence deeply touched all who knew her. We are grateful to have members of her family here with us to receive this degree in her honor,” said President Walker.

UHCL’s commencement ceremony served as a poignant reminder of the transformative power of education and the boundless potential of each graduate to effect meaningful change. As graduates turned their tassels at the end of the event, UHCL armed them with the knowledge, skills, and a sense of purpose to go into the world and make a positive impact in their communities and the world at large.

For more information about UHCL’s Spring 2024 Commencement, visit www.uhcl.edu/academics/commencement/ .